Monday, January 18, 2010

Portrait of Obama-Doom: Coakley should get clobbered in Mass.

Barack Obama and his leftist minions must be possessed of THE "tinnest" ears in all of politics.

The rhetorical "hitting them upside the head with a club" couldn't be any clearer. Obama goes to perhaps the deepest, darkest blue state in the country to help a worthless candidate and what's the result?

She sinks even deeper.

There have been leaders in the past who allowed, not the "Audacity of Hope," but the arrogance of their vision to rule their actions. They almost uniformly met with death and destruction. One gets the feeling that if God Himself came down and told Obama he was on the wrong course, it would make no difference.

I'm not complaining, here, you understand. I'm merely marveling at the size of an ego that allows self-delusion to be the order of the day. My lack of complaint is based on the impending political destruction of those who've brought us to this.

I sincerely hope that the left continues to keep their eye so far off the ball that we'll LONG for the days of George W. Bush, who, while not the sharpest knife in the drawer, was at least smart enough to usually figure that out in time and at least TRY and change things.

But for the past year, our president (and as much as I despise the man's policies, he IS our president) has been earnestly committing political suicide much like a slug crawling down a razor blade.

Meanwhile, as a nation, we're left dangling. We're held in such outrageous contempt by the world because of our increasingly weaker political leadership... "leadership" that will be crippled tomorrow if all the polls are to be believed.

This experiment; of electing vision over experience, delusion over reality, arrogance over flexibility... has been an abysmal failure. All we have to show for it is death and economic destruction.

The question becomes: now what?

Massachusetts Senate - Special Election

Polling Data

PollDateSampleBrown (R)Coakley (D)Spread
Politico/InAdv1/17 - 1/17804 LV5243Brown +9
PJM/CrossTarget (R)1/17 - 1/17574 LV5242Brown +10
PPP (D)1/16 - 1/171231 LV5146Brown +5
ARG1/15 - 1/17600 LV5245Brown +7
Daily Kos/R20001/15 - 1/17500 LV4848Tie
InsideMedford/MRG1/15 - 1/15565 LV5141Brown +10
PJM/CrossTarget (R)1/14 - 1/14946 LV5439Brown +15
ARG1/12 - 1/14600 LV4845Brown +3
Blue Mass Group/R2000 (D)1/12 - 1/13500 LV4149Coakley +8
Suffolk/7News1/11 - 1/13500 LV5046Brown +4
Rasmussen Reports1/11 - 1/111000 LV4749Coakley +2
PPP (D)1/7 - 1/9744 LV4847Brown +1
Rasmussen Reports1/4 - 1/4500 LV4150Coakley +9
Boston Globe1/2 - 1/6554 LV3653Coakley +17
Suffolk11/4 - 11/8600 RV2758Coakley +31
Western NE College10/18 - 10/22342 LV3258Coakley +26
Suffolk9/12 - 9/15500 RV2454Coakley +30

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