Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Local democrats have such a sense of humor about their endorsements.

Big article today (would you expect anything less from our local democrat paper?) blabbing about endorsements for Wallace and Pridemore... as if anyone cared, or as if they made any difference.

The "yuk-yuk" moment?

Describing Val Ogden as "moderate." It's kind of like calling the Columbian "unbiased..." a lie on it's face.

17th District leftists endorsed a 17th District House member who has no chance because she is responsible for the waste of 10's of millions of tax payer dollars and demanding the imposition of hundreds of millions of dollars of tolls in the midst of our recession, and the waste of billions for a bridge we don't want.

Big deal

49th District leftists endorsed Pridemore, responsible for gerrymandering a tax district to keep tens of thousands of us from voting on loot rail operations... but not from paying the taxes he wants to rip out of our pockets. Responsible for voting "yes" for a budget that even HE claimed was "balanced ... on the backs of the poor and the powerless." The stupidity of a Moeller endorsement in a swing district is self-evident. Steve "The Tribe Bought Me" Stuart's endorsement? As bad as, if not worse than, Moellers.

Was it all that long ago that Pridemore was calling Stuart a "sell out?"
Sunday, June 19, 2005

Democrat State Senator Pridemore gets it: Steve Stuart's a sellout.

You’ve got to love it. Pridemore’s got Stuart figured out, but the idjits like the “progressives” and the rest of the “environmentally aware” leftist fringe? Why, they don’t have a clue.

Pridemore, a legendary hypocrite who just this past session voted FOR a state democrat budget that even HE said was “balanced on the backs of the poor and the powerless,” has finally said what needed to be said about Steve Stuart.

Pridemore nails it when he tells us that Stuart’s a sellout:
“Morris has set a deadline of finishing her work before the November election when Commissioner Steve Stuart, the only commissioner who sought to defend the existing plan, will be on the ballot. I believe that if Stuart doesn't do as Morris commands him, her friends with the homebuilders will pump hundreds of thousands of dollars into a campaign against him. It's little wonder that he's slow to speak out against something he should know is ethically wrong and legally indefensible.”

Pridemore goes on to tell us that he is ”disgusted and appalled by what” Stuart is doing to “our community’s future.”
Time, apparently, does heal all wounds.

Something of a quid-pro-quo, considering Pridemore's efforts to keep 10's of thousands of dollars of campaign contributions around for "Easy Money" Stuart.

We will see frequent articles lacking in any news value about these two, neither one of whom stand a chance of winning; and one of whom having a great deal of difficulty raising money.

But these endorsements?

Meaningless, except in a negative sense. Partisan endorsements typically are.

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