Friday, January 08, 2010

Jon Russell: Transparency ain't my middle name.

As I have pointed out repeatedly, the character-and-integrity challenged Jon Russell is an interesting guy.

Over on his Facebook Page, he fills in a little bit about himself.

The problem is that, like most integrity-challenged people, it's not the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Here's an unaltered excerpt:
About Me:
Board of Directors for the Washougal School’s Foundation
Leadership Board for the Camas-Washougal Salvation Army
Board of Directors for the Camas-Washougal Chamber of Commerce
National Rifle Association
Member of the Columbia Land Trust

Other Experience
American Council of Young Political Leaders, Delegate to the Philippines
Deputy Campaign Manager for U.S. Congressman Jon Hostettler (R-IN) 1996
Guest Panelist, Washington State University, Public Affairs Lecture Series
Guest Panelist, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Turn the Page Conference

Legislative Priorities
Small business, healthcare & a balanced budget
The problem isn't so much what he indicates is his experience (though all of it combined in no way makes him qualified to be a congressman)

The problem is what he's left out.

It's a problem for two reasons. First, because, well, he left it out. And second, those running for political office should provide FULL disclosure of ALL of their political activities... don't you think?

Of course, for me, Russell's deception is deliberate, and his efforts to deceive the electorate into thinking he's a stand up guy is just precisely the reason why I'm hammering him like a nail.

So, here's the rest of the political truth about Jon Russell, congressional candidate.

About Me:
Board of Directors for the Washougal School’s Foundation
Leadership Board for the Camas-Washougal Salvation Army
Board of Directors for the Camas-Washougal Chamber of Commerce
National Rifle Association
Member of the Columbia Land Trust

Other Experience
Campaign consultant to the Port of Vancouver's massive tax increase levy (That failed miserably, 70-30 "no" vote)
Former fired Legislative Assistant, Washington State House of Representatives.

Failed House Republican Organizational Committee field liaison, 2004 cycle.

Former Executive Director, Faith and Freedom Network

American Council of Young Political Leaders, Delegate to the Philippines
Deputy Campaign Manager for U.S. Congressman Jon Hostettler (R-IN) 1996
Guest Panelist, Washington State University, Public Affairs Lecture Series
Guest Panelist, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Turn the Page Conference

Legislative Priorities
Small business, healthcare & a balanced budget
That isn't all, of course. Attempting to get Pam Brokaw's social security number from me while he was with HROC isn't up there; because, after all, that wasn't a "job" per se' as much as it was a reflection of the kind of politics he employs.

I, of course, didn't have it. I didn't need it... didn't want it, and wouldn't have given it to him if I did. But is this the kind of person anyone would want to represent them in anything, be it Washougal city councilman or US Congressman?

Now, I can certainly get why he left out the first 3 in the "other experience" category.

But why is he so ashamed of his time at Faith and Freedom Network? An oversight, I'm sure,

Further, House Republican Leader Rep. Richard DeBolt has had the opportunity to work with Russell, Herrera and Castillo. And who is he endorsing?

Here's a hint. It ain't Russell.

It's kind of like deliberately misleading people with your bizarre labeling of campaign stops as "town hall meetings."

Why you insist on lying so much is a mystery to me.

The truth, Mr. Russell. People need to know EVERYTHING political about you, warts and all. After all, you wouldn't want to mislead people into thinking you're something you're not... would you?

1 comment:

  1. I got a kick out of seeing on his Facebook page, in regards to Denny Heck entering the race, just below the photos of the 15 or so people at his "townhall" (where he claimed over 30), " Actually I believe the voters are not looking for someone with depth and breadth of government experience..."

    Yet, has he not been exagerrating just that for himself, while distancing himself and throwing everyone else under the bus?


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