Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Fortunately, things are looking worse for the Cowlitz Criminal Casino

It sure seems like that organized crime enterprise known as the Cowlitz Megacasino is circling the drain.

Exactly as it should be.

An article in our local paper lays out their well-deserved pain.... but in their idiotic attempt to get someone... anyone to buy their swindle sheet (This story was emailed to me, anyway), they kept this story off the web site. This one came out on Sunday.

Casinos generally are getting hammered across the planet. Fortunately for us, that includes the Mohegan Sun, the folks who were supposed to write the checks for this economic black hole here in SW Washington.

To call the Mohegans incompetent is to do a disservice to the word. They signed such a lousy agreement for management that the people running the casino are now pulling more money out then the Tribe itself. And there's trouble in Mohegan City... the kind of trouble I like to see.

Reports have it that the driving force who stood to make millions off his "tribe," the casino developer, may never complete recover from his latest adventure. The Carcieri decision, which keeps tribes not recognized in 1934 from having land put into trust, has delivered a mighty blow to the prospective absentee landowners from California, Connecticut and the Puget Sound area who expected to screw us and suck hundreds of millions out of our local economy... even though they lied through their teeth and told us that the decision would have no effect on the outcome.

Now, they play a different tune.

Early on, tribal shill Phil Harju tried to get anyone who would listen to actually believe that Carcieri made no difference.

Now, he's finally grappling with reality. The article says:
If that bill (The so-called "Carcieri Fix") isn't passed, the casino plan may fall apart.

"We don't have any money to spend on lobbyists or any of that stuff," tribal spokesman Phil Harju (Who took over from multiple-restraining-order-by-women David Barnett, casino developer as chief mouthpiece)
FINALLY acknowledging what I wrote at the time.

With the default of Foxwoods (Literally, just down the street from the Mohegan Sun) the writing is on the wall. According to the article:
The Mohegans, in fact, have written off $8.6 million (of $28.7 million wasted so far) a third of their investment so far, on the expectation that the whole deal could fall through."
In addition, the Mohegans are popping the Cowlitz a paltry (and whopping) 15% interest rate for a $10 million, 1 year loan given out last September.

Yes, things look extremely bleak for those shilling this blight on our community.

And it couldn't happen to a nicer group.

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