Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The democrats bunker mentality. Are democrats in SW Washington feelin' it?

OK, for the left, the unthinkable happened.

For those who believe that democrats have no where left to go but up, I beg to differ.

The Massachusetts Miracle is but another in a series of repudiations of leftist and socialist idiation. The question is this: what are you democrats going to do about it?

How many times and in how many ways do you all have to be told "enough?"

At some point in your march to political destruction, shouldn't you stop and take a look around?

I know that not all of you are ready to march off the cliff into the ocean rocks below; both democrat senators Byah and Webb have become fond of holding that office. Both are suggesting that no funny business take place on the issue of seating Sen. Elect Brown. Both are suggesting that maybe, HCR should be slowed down.

Clearly, neither want to vote for it now. Neither are terribly interested in ending their career in politics like the German generals in World War II had to end theirs.

As someone opposed to most everything democrats as a party stand for today, I would ask: when do you put the people ahead of your party?

Politically, it's fairly clear that democrat leadership doesn't really give much of a damn about their member's re-election chances. The feeling seems to be that they must strike while the proverbial iron is hot.

The question remains: do the rank and file democrats at every level of government feel the need to turn themselves into Scott Brown-style road kill?

SW Washington isn't remotely like Massachusetts. Swing districts can now be typically written off to any competent GOP candidate, as the democrat president you so virulently supported has managed to throw you all under a bus.

Mindless loyalty in politics has pretty much been done. And the outcomes have usually been, well, bad. (Google World War 2 for a relatively recent example.)

I mention this because now might be a good time to bail on the projects and plans the people of this area do NOT want.

You know... like replacing the I-5 Bridge? Or bringing in loot rail? things like that?

Massachusetts most likely killed off any chance the d's had to repeat in the 3rd Congressional. Tying Obama supporters to Obama and the political leprosy he brings will just make it so easy.

Stonier? In the 17th? An Obama delegate?

She might as well withdraw tonight.

You get the drift.

So, democrats.... do you land the plane with the wheels up?

Or are you gonna fly it directly into the ground?

Ultimately, it's going to come down. The question is how hard, and how much damage is it going to cause?

And frankly, that sort of thing is up to you.... isn't it?


  1. From some news accounts today and also from emails I've received from DNC leadership, they remain in denial over last evening.

    It appears the Democrats have yet to learn about all the partisan rancor we've seen.

    The GOP says they have learned, but we'll see in the months ahead and if they regain control of one or both houses.

    Talk is cheap and people are fed up with hollow promises that just lead to higher taxes and increased spendign across the board, locally and nationally.

  2. As you talk about Democrats regrouping for the future, there is one thing that looms large, at least to me, on the horizon...however no one seems to be talking about it.

    Is it just coincidence that Oprah Winfrey is ending her show in 2011? She seems to be developing quite a chummy relationship with the Obama's and if there would be one thing that would interest her more than a television show that, as she said several years ago, is not as challenging to her as it used to be...would it be to throw her efforts into the re-election campaign of one Barak Obama? Oprah has quite a following and a lot of power....republicans, it might be worth taking a look at!


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