Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Congrats to the local paper for reporting what I blogged about several days ago.

In yet another typically gagging, cloying puff piece on the unneeded, unwanted and unnecessary multi-billion dollar waste known the I-5 Bridge replacement, the local rag finally gets it. As I blogged back in December, the cabal deciding what bridge/loot rail combination they plan on ramming down our collective throats agreed to a 6 lane bridge weeks ago (Not including loot rail lanes). Congrats to our local stain on our community for finally figuring it out.

So, when Tim "The Liar" Leavitt babbles that such an arrangement "...wouldn’t be acceptable to our community,” he's failing to acknowledge that there is NO bridge of ANY size that would be "acceptable to our community," and he KNOWS that.

But no matter what ultimately comes our of this steaming pile, ol' Tim will be on board. Because, as well know, the little slime ball "isn't an obstructionist."

Our local excuse for a paper continues to use lies such as this:

The request comes amid fraying support for the project.

In June and July of 2008, the 12-lane “locally preferred alternative” received the
conditional support of city councils, transit agencies and metropolitan planning organizations on both sides of the river.

Support began to wane last year.

The main problem with the lie about "fraying support" is that this community NEVER supported replacing the bridge or bringing loot rail here under ANY circumstances, least of all with $1300 per year (to begin with) tolls.

Now, The Liar KNOWS that this thing can't be built WITHOUT tolls, but that didn't stop him from REPEATEDLY lying that the mayor of Vancouver could STOP tolls, while telling us all along that even WITH tolls, HE would SUPPORT the new bridge.

And if this bridge comes out with the already-agreed-to 6 lane design, he'll agree to that as well, BECAUSE HE CAN'T STOP IT.

NO bridge design here EVER had more than 6 through lanes. To that end, a 6 lane bridge was going to be the outcome REGARDLESS; a colassal, multi-billion dollar pile of money dumped down a toilet; blowing a $100,000,000 per year hole in our local economy, cheerled by hypocrites who wouldn't ever have to pay the tolls... unlike those of us in the commuting public.

As for Steve "Unmarked Bills, Mr. Barnett" Stuart, here's a clue.

We want this shut down NOW. And we do not WANT a "re-start." WE WANT A THIRD AND FOURTH BRIDGE, WITH NO FRICKING LOOT RAIL.

You've already blown $100,000,000 tax payer dollars, thanks to Tweedle Dumb (Craig Pridemore) and Tweedle Dumber (Deb Wallace) and we have absolutely nothing to show for it... money that SHOULD have been spent on locating and designing a 3rd and 4th bridge that would both relieve pressure on the I-5 Bridge AND reduce congestion WHILE increasing freight mobility, something that a new bridge in the same place would absolutely NOT do.

Get used to dealing with your massive wastes of our money, Mr. Stuart... and start polishing your resume'.

Between the bridge and getting paid to be Barnett's butt boy, this November?

You are going DOWN.

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