Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Administration of Hypocrite Obama.

Look, I knew when this guy was running that he was the political version of the Platte River: a mile wide and an inch deep. No experience, no vision, no clue. The politically naive that bought into this community organizing casket salesman's shtick seem to be coming to terms with the fact that he has no idea what he's doing.

In our leaders, not having a clue isn't a particularly recent phenomena. Knowing AHEAD of time that they won't have a clue, and electing them ANYWAY? THAT is just bizarre. And now, generations will suffer because of the gullible voters who put this clown into office.

And while we can forgive stupid.... maybe... we cannot forgive lies and hypocrisy.

We are, unfortunately, stuck with a leader who is a liar. He has lied about almost every aspect of his campaign, and all the videos/newspaper articles prove it.

Now, it's easy to say that, well, he was young, he didn't know the realities that would confront him. But to me, that's just a subset of electing a clueless idiot to, perhaps, the most important job on the face of the planet.

The left's hypocrisy, a given in the best of times, is a stench of mythic proportions. Except for a few anarchist/far left socialists, none of these clowns are applying the same criteria to ol' Hopey Changey as they did to Mr. Bush.

I can understand that, to a certain extent. If these people were to hold Obama accountable to the same extent they held Bush, why.... their heads would explode.

Well, I do.

The results?

Books will be written about this man's lies and manipulation of people. Again, it's not that politicians don't lie... or manipulate.... many, if not most, do. But this man's lies and manipulations are so blatant and so obvious. His tin ear should get it's own monument on the Maqll in Washington DC. He will be single handedly responsible for the upcoming decimation of the democrats... because, for God's sake, if the American people haven't learned their lesson by now... we never will.

His most recent hypocritical idiocy?

A 3 year spending freeze.


Why, Mr. President. That's right up there with no tax increases on the middle class... or not signing budgets with earmarks and/or pork.

Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice?

That's the same kind of spending freeze you campaigned AGAINST, right Mr. President?

And during the campaign, you never shut UP abut "no-bid contacts," did you?

Then how come you're doing them?

And the unfathomable idiocy of giving terrorists Miranda Warnings and putting them on trial in civil courts?

Why, you'd never do anything like THAT, would you? You COULDN'T be THAT much of a blithering moron.... could you?

Well, yes. You could. And since you KNOW how stupid an idea that is... we can't find ANYONE who will take responsibility for that decision... so guess what?

The buck stops with you.

Like I said, Mr. President. We can forgive stupid. But we cannot and will not forgive deliberate lies and deception. And that's YOU.

The next general election and the 2012 CANNOT get here fast enough.

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