Saturday, November 07, 2009

The larger question on the Hasan - Ft. Hood terrorist attack: now what?

As a former Army officer, I will never be able to adequately express my outrage at the complete betrayal of everything he was SUPPOSED to have stood for... His Oath as an Officer; his oath as a doctor... and living the life of the so-called "Religion of Peace" (tm)(all rights reserved)

There were warning signs; many reported to the chain of command. Yet, it appears the chain of command was possessed of the same tin ear our president owns to our dismay.

If they listened, they did not hear. If they heard, they did not act. They did nothing they SHOULD have done (And what SHOULD have happened is this clown SHOULD have been kicked out of the Army and he SHOULD have been billed for the hundreds of thousands of dollars we wasted on educating this scumbag.)

That said, there are two questions... two monumentally pressing questions that I believe need to be answered.

Question One: Precisely why was this clown allowed to skate?

Question Two: Precisely WHAT are we going to do now?

Others will explore Question One in detail. Fear of retribution by the same chain that is supposed to protect its soldiers; fear of charges of racism and the career implications of that... those are the kinds of things that played a role in this, I'm sure.

Whatever it was that allowed scum like this to be in the military in ANY capacity, let alone commissioned, must be identified and addressed so that it never, ever, happens again.

Which brings me to Question Two: Now what?

There IS a problem here. Hasan is not the first Muslim scumbag to go off and kill his fellow soldiers. So, what do we do?

Do we go through the inventory and kick out every Muslim in the Armed Forces?

Do we go through the inventory and kick out every NON-Muslim MARRIED to a Muslim?

Do we forbid the enlistment of Muslims?

Do we set up a board of some sort and run all of the Muslims serving past it to make a determination as to their fitness to serve? What criteria would they use?

Do we revoke their clearances? Do we make some effort to keep them away from weapons... and/or, keep them from serving in the Middle East much like we keep soldiers born in Germany from serving in Germany under the Status of Forces Agreement?

I can't answer these questions in the legal sense. That is, I can't think of answers that I also can't come up with serious legal questions about... screams of racism being really, really high on my list.

Of course, with our current president, and his complete lack of concern or care for his soldiers; his total disregard for their welfare and his contempt for the military, we can expect exactly NO action.

ANY steps he takes to secure this issue would bring his own, well-known but never talked about racism to the fore and subject him to those allegations.... which would be just the tiniest bit awkward, even for a blockhead like Obama.

(As a side note: isn't it amazing that this complete waste of skin in the White House jumped to the conclusion that the police officer in the Professor case was wrong and racist, without having a clue as to what had actually gone on there, save his own, built in, knee-jerk racism... but then this scumbag tells US not to "jump to conclusions" after a Muslim slaughters a dozen troops and wounds at least 30 others? Have you even noticed the terminology that even the Army used... that these soldiers weren't "wounded...." oh, no. They were, in fact, "injured."

Well, that's a crock.

"Injured" is what *I* was when I broke my left wrist playing football. "WOUNDED" is what THEY were when a scumbag Army doctor shot them in cold blood at close range.

If the shooter had been a Methodist... do you suppose they would have been "INJURED" then? Or would they have been WOUNDED?)

To him, 50 or so soldiers getting shot is small price to pay. I mean, it didn't even stop that moron from giving shout-outs to non-existent Medal of Honor recipients at this tribal idiocy when he gave his first remarks after the slaughter took place.

One of the major problems we have is a president who views life as such a cheap commodity. His blatant insensitivity.... the fact that he expressed MUCH more outrage of the death of Tiller the Baby Killer then he has over the troops under his command; the fact that as I type this now, this scumbag is in his office working the phones for an unfathomably huge waste of money as part of his socialized medicine program instead of going down to Fort Hood.... These and so many more tenets of the abortion that is his presidency shows his true lack of care and concern for those sworn to protect us.

And if possible, it deepens my shame about this clown even more.

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