For those who have the short attention span required to follow this despicable crap pile of a newspaper, your attention is drawn to Lou Brancaccio's hypocritical effort of September 14 that, no doubt, was a direct result of getting his figurative head caved in as a result of the obvious bias, abandonment of anything approaching journalistic tenets and the supreme arrogance this rag uses as a corporate strategy to ram their agenda down our throats... without asking, of course.
The money quote?
At what point, many wonder, does the way in which we deliver the message become the message? And when the delivery becomes the message, can anyone hear the real message?Clearly, the "we" he's referring to doesn't apply to that fringe-left waste of skin they've hired to run the editorial page, John Laird.
Does calling the president a liar or a Marxist move the health care discussion forward?
Can we disagree with someone without being disagreeable?
We all should think about how we treat others. How our message is delivered.
As I pointed out at the time of Brancaccio's column of lies and hypocrisy:
You allow scum like John Laird unfettered access to a keyboard that he has used to PUMMEL everyone to the right of Mao and you ask US how WE should deliver OUR message?This rag is a cancer in our community. On one hand, the guy in charge of their colossal failure as a business organization moralizes to us about what some us us call the empty suited, anti-American racist bigot in the White House under the guise that the anger becomes the message, instead of the message itself.
On the other hand, he allows a dull-normal cretin like Laird to engage in the VERY conduct he decries!
Snippets of today's Laird used toilet paper:
Tea party patrons, rejoice! Unite! Or for some of you, I suppose, to arms! Your grass-roots movement has gained such momentum as to warrant a national blue-ribbon, round-table, fact-finding, rootin' tootin' hoedown!And then this moron launches into a self-serving steaming pile actually DEFENDING the indefensible, which adequately labels much of what Obama has done to us.
Headline speakers will include the electrifying and eloquent Sarah Palin, a renowned expert on how to abandon your statewide elected office and make millions writing a book, and U.S. Rep. Michelle Bachmann, R-Minn., who used her publicly funded congressional Web site to urge people to storm the U.S. Capitol and create bedlam in the hallways. According to my investigative aides, the Tea Party Convention's Diversity Committee will meet in an Opryland Hotel & Convention Center broom closet.
This was the year their crusade was born, and the screaming and kicking hasn't stopped yet. Whereas American town hall meetings for more than two centuries were places to exchange ideas and formulate solutions, now they're different, thanks to the Tea Party types. Now, town hall meetings have become boisterous, bigoted shout-downs where the only things that matter are volume and venom, unleashed by adults who remind children to be sure to behave at school assemblies.
Now, I fully understand that it is both Laird's right, and this paper's right, to spew whatever nonsense they choose. Just like it's my right to drill them directly between their moronic, unfulfilled principles when they engage in this kind of crap.
But I ask you: where in this moronic heap of detritus Laird spewed is any of that "..think(ing)... about how the message is delivered" stuff?
It's no where to be seen.
In short, in Brancaccio's stilted world, WE should reign in how WE perceive and address the president, for example; but it's perfectly OK for HIS OWN STAFF to address ANYONE smart enough to disagree with Laird (which would include anyone with the intelligence and awareness exceeding that of my 13 week old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy) is treated in print like high-level morons.
As I've noted before, I haven't subscribed to this despicable waste of wood pulp for years. The questions they need to ask themselves are these: can we proposer and grow as sycophants of the fringe left? Is our survival as a paper best served by doing the bidding of an increasingly smaller segment of the population unable to think for themselves? Is continually assaulting our increasingly smaller credibility within this community the wisest course?
But most of all, does this course make it MORE likely, or LESS likely that those in the center and the right will actually fork over money to be abused in this way?
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