Chicken Little ain't got nothin' on a leftist.
Here's Pam Brokaw's LTE on 1033:
I-1033 reduces economic recoveryNow here, locally, Ms. Brokaw is known best for two things: Getting around $100,000 in tribal money as a result of David Barnett's efforts to buy her in two elections (state representative back in 04 and county commissioner here last fall, where she ran such a terrible campaign that even though Clark County voted for Obama, they then turned around and voted for conservative Tom Mielke in a close one (requiring a recount)) and secondly, having the "tinnest" ear in politics (did you REALLY thing partial birth abortion and gay marriage were planks to win on in the 18th?)
On behalf of the board of Friends of Clark County, a non-profit committed to the quality of life of our community, we urge voters to vote "no" on Initiative 1033. Our great Pacific Northwest way of life is in jeopardy. Passage of this initiative would drastically reduce basic county resources and the ability to keep Clark County a place where folks want to do business, raise a family and enjoy our amazing natural resources.
We are committed to working with county government, and the leadership of our community, to ensure responsible stewardship of our environment. Initiative 1033 is irresponsible and short-sighted fiscal stewardship with far-reaching negative impacts. Keep Clark County a quality place to live and do business. Vote "no" on Initiative 1033.
Pam Brokaw
And now... we get a different version of that moron's statement that people will DIE when this thing passes.
Everything she wrote in her letter, in one way or another, has been used as an attempt to stop every fiscal control we've ever been given the option to vote for.
Remember I-601? I-695? I-747? These measures in one form or another reduced revenue to state and local governments.
Remember the responses from the leftists and their paper, here?
Well, let's take a look at this one.
On behalf of the board of Friends of Clark County, a non-profit committed to the quality of life of our community,Who? I never heard of you. By the way, do you get any government funding that might be at risk when this passes?
we urge voters to vote "no" on Initiative 1033.Because GOD knows you can't think for yourself.
Our great Pacific Northwest way of life is in jeopardy."We're all going to DIE!"
What a crock.
The idea that our "great Pacific Northwest way of life" is a product of the unfettered ability to tax and spend our money without our say-so is lunacy... but to a leftist, the will of the people is anathema, so they have to respond with moronic rhetoric like this.
Like most leftists, Brokaw is incapable of viewing this situation from the front end, in this case, from the perspective of those of us actually paying the bills. Her concern will NEVER be the one's paying... only the one's receiving.
Passage of this initiative would drastically reduce basic county resources and the ability to keep Clark County a place where folks want to do business, raise a family and enjoy our amazing natural resources."We're all going to die!"
This, of course, is an outright lie on it's face. Why leftist opponents HAVE to lie... pathologically have to lie, to oppose a measure that reduces the orgy of government spending is beyond my comprehension.
Of the pap in the paragraph above, it would be entertaining for Brokaw to note precisely HOW we would no longer be able to raise families or enjoy our amazing natural resources once this passes.
Again, she seems to believe that the ONLY reason people want to live here or "do business" here is so that we can pay... more.... taxes!
So, she spills this crap, but provides absolutely NOTHING to indicate how any of her conclusions are true.
Because they're not.
I can see it now: 1033 passes next Tuesday, and starting Wednesday, Clark County becomes a ghost town because of the mass exodus of people to that utopia to the south... Oregon... which doesn't have a 1033 in place, yet is an economic train wreck.
When people in politics start spewing this garbage, unsupported by either the initiative's language or any other fact (see the Time's analysis, below) then you know it's all about keeping any controls off government... a government so OUT of control that spending increased an ASTOUNDING 33% over the past four years at the state level.
We are committed to working with county government, and the leadership of our community, to ensure responsible stewardship of our environment.Well, the fact is that I don't need, or want, YOU doing ANYTHING about MY environment. And my guess is that like most sniveling leftists, what you're REALLY committed to is making sure YOUR stream of money from the taxpayers remains uninterrupted or reduced.
After all, to read YOU, "we're all going to die" when this thing passes.
We have elected officials to do the very thing you claim your little group does.
So..... GO.... AWAY.
Initiative 1033 is irresponsible and short-sighted fiscal stewardship with far-reaching negative impacts.Well, when this passes, you can always move away. Then you won't have to worry about it.
Second, I would venture to say that what we've been doing ain't been working out all that well, either, and
Third... you note how NONE of the whiny little leftists have offered ANY alternative?
Of course not. To them, it's all about the Benjamins.
Imagine how much better off we'd be if those in opposition stuck to the facts and left the hyperbole out.
1033 will do NONE of the things this whinny, snvivelly, "don't cut us off from the trough" letter claims.
The FACTS are below. Unlike a leftist, I'm not going to tell you WHAT to think... I would just ask you TO think.
Read the information below, and form your own opinion.
*I* am voting for 1033 and urging everyone I know to do the same. Because *I* know that ANY time we get the opportunity to rein in spending, the left will ALWAYS give us lies (like the one's in Brokaw's letter) and that IF this doesn't work, our courageous legislature can get rid of it on the first day of the next legislative session, in mid-January.
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