Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So... why would a New York City union be dumping $30,000 into Tim "The Liar" Leavitt's mayoral race?

Politics can bring out the very best in people.

As Tim "The Liar" Leavitt has proven, it can also bring out the very worst.

Today's quiz question?

Why would a New York City Union PAC launder $30,000 in "independent expenditures" for "The Liar's" campaign?

I've got to admit, I've never heard of "Unite Here State and Local Fund."

But a few dots were connected when I saw this.

Dot Number One:

We have a Seattle megacasino developer with a history.

He has a history of twice trying to buy Pam Brokaw's elections... first in 2004 when he, well, laundered $20,000 or so through the Washington Conservation Voters, a fringe left democrat outfit masquerading as an environmental group... and most recently when someone bent him over for $78,000 when he managed to lose Brokaw's race for county commissioner for her.

He has a history of dropping a cool $100,000 to buy Commissioner Steve Stuart. He laundered that through Progressive Majority, yet another fringe-leftist democrat front that is, well, neither progressive, nor (thankfully) a majority.

This time, he was successful, and he owns Steve Stuart like the 13th Amendment was science fiction.

And NOW? NOW we have $30,000 from a union in New York City.

When the effort was made to buy Brokaw by buying her elections, he was caught because of reporting requirements.

The PDC reported his donation(s) to the democrat front group WCV AND his moronic, $78,000 play in the last few days of the commissioner race last year.

He got away with it when he bought Stuart, because out of state reporting rules were much more lax.

Now, however, we suddenly see $30,000 parachute in from New York, which certainly has different reporting requirements making it much more difficult to determine where that coin is coming from.

As a result, it's going to take time for me to get this information, since the NY version of the PDC wants hard (as opposed to Email) copies of everything and their campaign finance system is much less user-friendly. But get it, I will.

Dot Number Two:

That said, I don't know for sure WHO is behind this. But I DO know that Steve "Cold hard cash" Stuart. a past beneficiary of David Barnett's largess, is very heavily involved in Leavitt's campaign, along with fellow megacasino supporter Betty Sue Morris.

Dot Number Three:

Interesting series of factoids, these. Can you detect the pattern?

Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us four times, and, well... you get the drift.

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