Friday, October 09, 2009

Proving that the Nobel Peace Prize is a worthless bauble, one moron at a time: First Arafat... then Obama

The idiotic Nobel Committee that awarded the empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot in the White House the Nobel Peace Prize have reduced its value to that of a door stop.

Giving a Nobel Prize to scum like Arafat, Gore and that idiot running the show now only serves to prove what a massive, worthless waste of time that thing is.

To those wrongly believing this idiot deserved it, let's remember: nominations of this award were closed TWELVE DAYS AFTER HIS INAUGURATION. What could he POSSIBLY have done in those 12 days?

Albert is spinning in his grave at the colossal waste this farce represents.

None of those named did anything to deserve it: their awards cheapen it, and they've effortlessly managed to make themselves into international laughing sticks around the world.

None of these people did ANYTHING to rate this. Frankly, it makes me sick.

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