Monday, October 12, 2009

Pathetic Building Industry Association mailer: Can you BELIEVE they want YOU... TO GET OUT AND VOTE FOR LEAVITT??????

I have seen some unbelievable, moronic political pieces in my time but I believe THIS takes the cake!
We all know by now that Tim "The Liar" Leavitt blew off any pretense of his civil responsibility by voting with the frequency of common sense out of the Obama Administration: in short, rarely, with huge gaps in between.
So why in God's green acres would the BIA be so completely stupid as to send out a GOTV (get out the vote) piece asking OTHERS to do what that moronic hypocrite himself WOULDN'T do?
HELLO? Is ANYBODY home in BIA moron land?
You know, I have no idea why the BIA endorsed this whinny, snivelly little punk that's blown off voting for the most part for the last 12 years while he's blamed Pollard for that, except that he bought the endorsement by being a member.
There's more coming out on Timmy... but that's for another post.
Meanwhile, here's the shot, as full of holes as Leavitt's positions.

The idea that they'd send out a mailer that talks about urging someone else to vote, and that they should then vote for THIS guy means that whoever the political director is for the BIA has a screw loose, or a tin ear, or both.
Somebody needs to get fired for turning the BIA political arm into the local laughing stock.

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