Monday, October 05, 2009

I heard from a Jeff Mize fan today.

I dunno.... am I supposed to laugh, or cry?

Am I supposed to be frightened? Apparently, this person didn't like my take on Mize's efforts to dump that worthless rag he's been working for.

The problem with leaving garbage like this is that, even though this gutless asshole refused to leave a name, the dandy little software this site has captures and records IP's and times they accessed the blog.

In this instance, it's not exactly a local cowardly scumbag; it's a moron from Bend, Oregon, using Whoever this coward is does not have the blog bookmarked, used IE 7 (or a derivative) and found my little Mize vignette using google.

Publish Reject
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Hey punk, Mize is actually a damn good writer. Don't call him a rat. Career moves don't mean abandoning your principles. It can be as simple as needing a change in scenery, a new challenge, a new job. Don't use your narrow, bigoted views on others. And yes, I called you a punk.

Publish Reject
(Anonymous) 10:40 AM

Publish Reject

So, I've captured all of your information, and will be having JUUUUUST the tiniest chat with your IP.


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