Sunday, October 18, 2009

Do leftists HAVE to lie? Hillary Clinton lies AGAIN.

Readers of my blog know that I'm firing at Tim "The Liar" Leavitt for his campaign of lies, deceit and manipulation over the I-5 Bridge/loot rail replacement scam he's running.

We all know that Obama couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. His legendary lies about raising taxes, hiring lobbyists, health care, insurance companies, closing Gitmo... the list is both long AND distinguished as to the number of times our Pathological President has felt it necessary to lie.

Is that why "The Liar" endorsed Obama? Are they two peas in a leftist pod where truth is a minor annoyance but otherwise of no consequence?

And that brings us back to Hillary, ANOTHER pathological lying scumbag; legendary for her lies about everything from where her unfortunate child was during the 9/11 attacks to her fantasy Bosnia trip where she lied about being under fire, all the way to her latest stupidity, lying about staying in a bomb-damaged Belfast Hotel.

What is it with the fringe-left? Is it pathological that they believe we're all stupid? Is it genetic that they thing we'll just believe whatever they say?

How many times does Hillary have to embarrass herself and now, embarrass the United States before she STFU and goes away?

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