Sunday, October 04, 2009

Columbian fringe-leftist John Laird: hopelessly moronic.

I seek to live by a rather arcane rule I've developed that I refer to as the "more likely -less likely" rule.

As the Columbian continues to circle the drain, hopefully to disappear forever, the morons running the show need to be asking themselves: are people more likely, or less likely, to buy our newspaper if we continue to allow an ignorant, lying scumbag to print another column of fringe-left propaganda week in, or week out; a column where he either insults a huge segment of our population directly, or insults the intelligence of anyone stupid enough to read his weekly tripe?

I read as much as I can stomach because I view it as a mission to point out the stain on the underwear of journalism's many lies, exaggerations and attempts to ram their agenda down the collective throats of a community which, by and large, does not want it. But the lies that fly of this waste of skin's keyboard are so obviously and blindingly biased (Precisely like their editorial bias, come to think of it; let's remember that these scummy little leftists ONLY endorsed democrats for EVERY open seat where they held endorsements, from president on down in the last election) that a blind man should be able to see them in a minute.

Since this rag has a liar for their editorial page editor; and a stunningly ignorant liar at that; is it more likely, or less likely that people will actually pay money to read less of a product with such asinine information crapped out in a column every week?

Now, I apologize in advance for failing to review every lie this clown wrote in this week's column, I simply lacked the strength to go beyond his first ladle of pap and the first lie was bad enough:
Two months have passed since I wrote a column debunking nine myths about health-care reform.
He debunked absolutely nothing, except the very thought that he might be honest, thoughtful, unbiased or credible. THAT thought vaporized in a heartbeat.

So, to further cement his position as cluelessly ignorant fringe-left Obama suck up, he spews this garbage:
Myth: A public option will put all of the private health insurance companies out of business.

Reality: Explain, then, how public housing has put all of the home builders out of business. The federal government provides public housing for people who don’t have it and cannot get it. Why would the public not want to provide health insurance for those who don’t have it and cannot get it?
Having visited the ancestral estates of the Count of Dachau, I have spent some time researching that place's history, and how any civilized people could ever do such a thing. One of the more interesting snippets I came across was the universal ignorance of the place from those living in Dachau, a suburb of Munich.

NO ONE living in the area knew what was going on in Dachau. No one. They had no idea why trains full of people; people they could see as they watched them come into this place, their hands and arms frequently hanging out small windows as they were being herded into this death camp; they had no idea what the smell was; they had no idea why all those people kept coming in, but why none ever left.

They had no idea.

But they didn't know.... because they didn't WANT to know.

In this day and age, we have the Internet. Ideas and information flash around the world in the blink of an eye.

So, when someone asks a moronic and easily answered question like this lying scumbag asked above, one has to wonder: is he getting paid DIRECTLY by his fringe-left masters? Or is he just a blithering idiot?

Exclusive of the fact that living in PUBLIC HOUSING ISN'T MANDATORY LIKE THIS BOGUS HEALTH CARE PROGRAM WOULD BE (Meaning his example of what Big Brother provides for others is as moronically absurd as everything else this piss-pot writes) the answer is that the Congressional Budget Office has warned us that the COST of this crap that Laird is spewing will be in the hundreds of billions of dollars.

No one FORCES anyone to live in public housing, you fricking idiot. But we are going to be FORCED to participate in this massive fraud fringe-leftists like Laird would perpetrate on this very community.

Bull...... shit.

Lock me up now, because I will NOT get mandatory health care and I will NOT pay a fine.

And if Laird DIDN'T know that, then, like the people living across the street from the concentration camp at Dachau, it's because HE didn't WANT to know.

But then, self-delusion is the hallmark of the fringe-leftist. And this scum has the art down to a science.

Just a reminder, Scott: I will never buy your despicable waste of wood pulp as long as this scumbag has anything to do with it. That you allow this asshole to continue to work there, polluting our community with his lies and exaggerations ought to make you ashamed of yourself.


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    The people in Dachau knew exactly what went on in the camp because many people in the town worked in the factories at the camp, since this was virtually the only place of employment for them in the town of Dachau. Some of the prisoners in the camp, who were released, continued to work in the factories at the camp and live in the town. There were seven locations in the town where prisoners from the camp came to work. Some of the prisoners worked as servants for Dachau families and lived in their homes. Prisoners from the camp came to the town daily to pick up bread from the bakeries. The people of the town had plenty of opportunities to learn about the gas chambers and the starvation, torture and murder of the prisoners, but for some reason, the prisoners never told them about these things. What you know about the camp is the stories told by the American soldiers who liberated the camp. The people in the town didn't know anything about what the Americans said had happened in the camp.

  2. Of COURSE they knew.

    But a review of the infamous Fragebogen fails to turn up any who would admit it.

    And that's the point of my post here. Fringe leftists like Laird, who make a serious attempt to pass themselves off as either moderate or unbiased when they are, in fact, lying fringe-leftist scumbags; deliberately avoid the facts of the matter... just like those fine people who lived across the street from a concentration camp while claiming to have no idea it was a concentration camp.

    That's the attitude that enables a slimeball to CLAIM he had "debunked" something when, in fact, repeating the lies of debunks NOTHING.

    And that's what this fringe whack job brings to the table as he damages our community with his lies, exaggerations and gross distortions... not to mention the insults he levels at those smart enough to oppose him... the very same crap Brancaccio was whining about a few days ago, while completely ignoring the source of it in his own organization.


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