Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Barbara Vining... poop candidate.

I've been observing the local political scene for 20 odd years, now... and I've never seen a "poop" candidate before.

This candidate is not only full of poop, she obviously knows it.

Poop, that is.

Clearly, Barbara Vining wants the megacasino to be built, her fake claims of opposition notwithstanding. Caving into megacasino Seattle developer David Barnett will destroy LaCenter as we know it. But megacasino supporters Erin and Mike Nolan, Jim Irish, Bill Birdwell, Al Luiz, and the poop lady all know that.

They just don't care.

The Nolans moved there to get the 17 FTE's promised to the Sheriff's Office in the now defunct MOU. Irish and Birdwell? Well, who knows why they've sold out their community. Luiz and Vining? Well, based on what I've seen of Luiz, I would have thought he'd know better. Vining, on the other hand, is adrift in her poop world, so who knows?

But that she would embarrass her own child in an abortive effort to make a point just means that she's full of the product she uses to make a point:
To sum it all up in the words of my 15-year-old daughter: “Mom, it’s like on the one hand you are handed a bag with dog poop in it. On the other hand, you are handed the dog poop alone. At least, in the first case you have something to protect you from all the crap.”
Secondary to the fact that 15 year olds don't talk this way is that obviously, Vining hasn't got the hot poop... or the straight poop either... even though it appears to be coming out of her ears.

For Vining to claim that "no persuasive arguments of detriment to La Center have been tendered to the " Fed is a bunch of what she's holding in her hand: the crap she wants to bring down on us all.

So, her complete ignorance of the reality of this situation (To negotiate is, with equal clarity, to accept) her reliance on five dollar words when fifty cent words will do... all of these things speak to a cluelessness that would make it really, really a bad idea for this person to get elected.

When it comes to poop, I defer to Vining's expertise. I'm just sorry she's dragging her kids through it.


  1. Anonymous10:42 AM

    It's a sad day in this country when someone can write such tripe about another person, and then not have the stones to leave their name. 'Just another guy', yeah right. So then I guess this makes my just another gal

  2. I have no idea who "just another guy" is, but I note two things: first, Vining's poop fixation really didn't seem to harm her at the polls.

    Now, the entire city government is in the pocket of David Barnett, including arguably it's most clueless member, Barbara "Poop" Vining.

  3. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I agree she is very full of poop. She should get along nicely with Irish who is also full of poop but not much brains.

  4. Anonymous9:28 PM

    saying vining is full of poop is an insult to poop everywhere

  5. Anonymous12:45 PM

    By the way, my 15 year old does talk like this, except he uses somewhat more colorful language.


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