Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Yet another in the series of moronic plays by the messiah: screwing us in Afghanistan

Leftists always think they know better. Afghanistan, the so-called (by the messiah) "good war" is spooling up in a very big, very bad way.

Most observers with any knowledge of the military (Which, of course, leaves out the moron voted in as ACORN in Chief) have suspected that more boots on the ground in Afghanistan are just as appropriate there as they were in Iraq.

Of course, the leftist scumbag leaders in the House and the Senate repeatedly told us all what a bad idea the Surge was; who can forget the moron running the Senate, one Harry"The War Is Lost" Reid, fringe-left Senate Majority Leader who did everything he could to aid the insurgent effort by lying to the American people... something his leader is famous for.

Stanley McChrystal is a four star general. Named to command US Forces Afghanistan, and NAMED TO THAT COMMAND BY THE IDIOT RUNNING THE SHOW, Gen. McChrystal, having examined the situation upon ascension to his command, indicates that he needs 40,000 additional troops.

That number may, in fact, be even larger. Each troop in the field requires logistical support... so, ultimately, that number may even become twice that much.

But there can be no question that many more boots are needed on the ground, both tactically and strategically, to achieve success of the mission.

Failure on the part of our pro-terrorist leadership to immediately provide the needed troops, while not surprising, would be an affront to every serving member of the Armed Forces of the United States; their families.... to anyone who has ever served... or shed their blood.... or made the ultimate sacrifice, particularly in Afghanistan.

President Obama is, of course, so concerned that he's discussed this situation with GEN McChrystal precisely ONCE in the past 70 odd days.

Can you believe it?

THE most important Area of Operations on the planet, and the empty suit has found time in his busy schedule of regular golf, Wednesday parties and flying to Denmark to shill for his masters in Chicago so they can suck hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars out of our wallets to get the 2016 Olympics.

But no time to see McChrystal?

GEN Stanley McChrystal is obviously one of the bravest soldiers in the military today. While not publicly stated, can there be any doubt why the General felt compelled to go on 60 Minutes to take his case to the public while Emperor Obama fiddled?

This is a no-brainer. When it comes to military operations, fringe-left and all other politics must be put aside for the sake of the troops in the field.

The empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot running this country is now causing the unnecessary spilling of American blood because he's an indecisive clown, learning on the job at the expense of the finest men and women this country can produce.

Leftist resistance and support of terrorists; neglect and indecision are the biggest obstacles to whatever "victory" is supposed to look like over there.

Yeah, yeah... I know he's talking to Gates. And other generals talk to Gates before he talks to Obama, as well as the Intel types and so on and so on.

But in the end, the ONLY way the president knows he's getting the real, unfiltered deal; the ONLY way he can be sure he isn't being "handled" is to GET HIS INFORMATION FROM THE SOURCE.

If the president didn't want to talk to the man, then why the hell did he give him the job in the first place?

He doesn't.

And we are dying because of it.

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