Friday, September 18, 2009

We have a president that is a blithering idiot: Obama: Legalize illegals to get them health care


It is to our peril that the ACORN in Chief is such a complete moron.

This clown has screwed up our economy, lied about unemployment, sold out Eastern Europe, tried to get Veterans to pay for treatment of their wounds, and now, this scum bag wants to legalize the millions of illegal aliens in this country so a grateful public can waste billions on them by paying for their health care.

Man.... THAT'LL teach them. Why, if you enter this country illegally.... why.... why.... we'll FORCE you to pay in-state tuition in college AND we'll give you free health care... just like you would get if you were BORN here.

Hey, you know, if we legalize rape, then we won't have to lock up rapists! And what about burglary? Let's make THAT legal as well! AFter all, wheen we lock THOSE people up, we have to give them free health care, don't we?

My God, I am ashamed of my government.

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