Monday, September 14, 2009

So that leftist fav ACORN... busted a THIRD time for helping to set up prostituion? When is Holder gonna get off his ass and indict?

Leftists around the country praise ACORN as having been an integral part of The One's election victory... indictments for massive voter fraud notwithstanding.

As a reward for that, this organized criminal enterprise amassed hundreds of millions of dollars of OUR money... their most recent government scam, their reward for supporting the messiah... being awarded contracts to actually work on the census. (Given their record of voter fraud, one can only imagine what their census information would have contained... and how they would have put it together)

Until now.

ACORN is organized crime. The tapes released so far have shown in now 3 different offices, (The latest being NYC) these scum helping a pimp and one of his hookers set up whore house operations that included the illegal importation of El Salvadorian under-age females for forced prostitution... you know, kinda like Barney Frank's basement.

And what is the response from this scumbag organization?

In a statement released Saturday, ACORN said that it could not defend the actions of its employees but that what O'Keefe and Giles did was criminal.

"And, in fact, a crime it was -- our lawyers believe a felony -- and we will be taking legal action against Fox and their co-conspirators," the statement said.

These are lying scum in every sense of the word. The LAST thing these cretins want is to be dragged into a courtroom... because in every case, there's a little number called "discovery."

"Discovery" would provide documentation... documentation that the AG should already have subpoenaed... that would, most likely, show this pattern of corruption and crime infests this entire organization.

You know, you really can tell someone by the company they keep. And Mr. President, you seem strangely quiet about all this.

Now, I don't know the two intrepid film makers ripping the cover off this scummy organization of thugs. But I get the feeling by the time they're done, everyone will know who they are.

Congrats to both James O'Keefe, 25, and Hannah Giles, 20, the investigative reporters who've made all this happen... exposing what we akll knew to be true in the first place.

Ain't technology swell?

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