Saturday, September 26, 2009

No media bias here: Thousands show up to see Glenn Beck and who does the Seattle Times write about? 30 protesters.

Yup.... thousands of people went to Safeco Field to see Glenn Beck... and who did the Seattle Times write about?

Thirty or so fringe left haters.

The obvious issue here is for the whacked out left to bring in their own mouth piece.

Of course, they don't HAVE one that could fill a stadium... or fill a phone booth, for that matter, but they could at least go through the motions.

Now, I can take Beck or leave him. He drives leftists even more insane then they already are, since being a leftist requires questionable sanity to begin with.... which certainly means he can't be all bad. He comes on strong. But doesn't he need to, given the lies, incompetence, and blood the ACORN in Chief is going to spill?

Anything that drives those lemmings over the edge has to have some redeeming value. Check out leftist scum writer Joel Connelly's hissy fit on Beck for just one example.

People have problems, apparently, with Beck referring to the messiah as a racist. I don't have a problem with it, myself, since the empty suit IS a racist and sat in a black Klan style church for years to prove it.

One wonders, though: those with the problem they may have about Beck (or me, for that matter, since I've referred to Obama as that empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot for months) need to be asked:

Did you people have a problem with all the names your ilk called President Bush?

What's that?

Of course you didn't.


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if it were some leftist like Bill Clinton at the stadium, this paper would have worshipped at his feet and ignored anyone disagreeing with him.

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