Saturday, September 12, 2009

More Columbian cluelessness? Can there BE any more?

So, this morning's idiocy from the local paper (I'm loath to use the term "newspaper," given the peculiar leftist bent and documented democrat protectionism; i.e., where were the Van Jones articles during THAT debacle and their efforts to rehabilitate Brian Baird as documented by the Brain Baird: Coward series) is in their "Cheers and Jeers" section.
Jeers: To any lingering supporters of polling-place voting, which in Washington state occurs only in Pierce County. The rest of the state has changed to "all-mail" voting, with ballot drop-off sites also set up on Election Day. According to The News Tribune of Tacoma, only 3,000 people voted at Pierce County polling places last month. The newspaper editorialized: "It cost Pierce County $75,000 — or $25 a ballot — to accommodate 4 percent of the turnout. … Rather than keep poll voting on life support and watch it continue to wither away, Pierce County ought to let it go and get on with mourning the passing of a fine institution."
Here's a clue: This despicable rag on one hand complains about a cost that THEY do not have to pay in a county where, in reality, it's absolutely NONE of this rag's business how or where they vote; over what amounts to something of a subsidy per vote of, they claim, $25 per ballot.

Yet, at the VERY SAME TIME, this despicable worm of a rag is doing everything it can to ram a loot rail system down our throats that will subsidize EACH rider, EVERY day, by roughly the same amount, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars... yet ANOTHER cost this waste of pulp will not have to pay.

What Pierce County "ought" to do is make sure they ignore the clown that wrote this steaming pile of interference and hypocrisy and do what's right for Pierce County; leftists at this rag notwithstanding.

Pierce County is the only county with the balls to continue the most secure form of voting; going to a poll and putting a ballot in a box only AFTER some effort has been made to prove you are who you say you are. Until these morons at this newspaper demand proof of citizenship to register to vote and proof of identity TO vote, they really "OUGHT" to shut the hell up and let Pierce County do what they will without any fricking comments from the peanut gallery.

And tell us, morons... did your despicable Business and Occupation tax cut get you that much more money... $75,000.... in YOUR pockets?

Hypocritical scum run this newspaper. And that's a damned shame. So:

Jeers: To a local stain on the butt of journalism who has once again implemented a double-standard by getting the leftists they so strongly support to cut THEIR B&O tax in the midst of a horrific, $10 BILLION budget deficit while attempting to ram a loot rail system down our throats, without our say-so, with costs that make Pierce County's efforts to continue the proper basis for voting look like a tip at a lunch counter after a cheese-burger.

This rag's deafening silence on the issue of secure voter registration and secure voting reverberates around the hall of hypocrisy. Clearly, bankruptcy has taught these clowns NOTHING.

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