Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jimmy Carter: "Is it because he's a moron?"

Fortunately, the rancid stain on the presidency that was Jimmy Carter ... the complete and utter incompetency only matched by the empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot currently in the White House; was short lived.

Arguably and statistically the worst president in the 20th century, consistently overlooked by the leftist slime screaming that the Bush economy was the worst economy "since the Great Depression" (Carter's economy was geometrically worse) Carter has become among the truly fringe-left whack jobs infesting us. Like all far-leftists, there is no lie Carter won't tell; no gross exaggeration... no spew he will not hurl in his, and their, efforts to get their fringe-left socialist programs implemented.

Today's spew from the joke that is (fortunately) Former President Carter?
"I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African-American," Carter told "NBC Nightly News." "I live in the South, and I've seen the South come a long way, and I've seen the rest of the country that shares the South's attitude toward minority groups at that time, particularly African-Americans."
Mr. Carter simply cannot understand that my disdain for the scumbag that is our president is only matched by my disdain for Carter himself.

And my disdain for the incompetent scumbag that is Jimmy Carter isn't based on the color of his skin.

Nor is my disdain for President Obama's utterly clueless, neo-communist "leadership (using the term loosely.)

Mr. Carter, take your bigotry and shove it.

Here's Greg Gutfeld's take:

Now, you know a word has lost all meaning when Jimmy Carter finally gets around to saying it.

America's angriest has-been JUST HAD to weigh in on the Joe Wilson affair, linking it to inherent racism - following in the wispy footsteps of every other lefty blogger.

Check it out, check it outers.

(roll tape of Carter)

Carter, who I'm now convinced is really Maureen Dowd in a fright mask, seems to ignore the fact that even the White House doesn't see the racism he sees. This is what Robert Gibbs had to say.

(roll tape of Gibbs rebuking Carter's nonsense).

Instead of enjoying the golden years of his life, President Peanut still feels compelled to remind us why he sucked as a leader. He's just a bitter man who always saw America as part of the problem, never the solution. So even when America elects a black man as President - the act only masks a more sinister urge.

Remember when Eric Holder said it was time for America to talk frankly about racism?

Well, the time has come - and for the left, that "frank" talk boils down to this: we're all racists.

End of discussion.

And that makes me think - if we all agree with the Dowd's and the Carter's of the world, will they finally stop their race whining, and move on to more important things? I doubt it. If anything, once we say we're all racists - they'll probably say we just don't mean it. And then they'll accuse us of double secret racism. The hypocrisy in all this? There are far more racists among the race-baiters. I mean, you can't get more racist than hating black conservatives just because they're black.

Look, let me state the obvious. President Obama won. That wouldn't happen in a racist country. Not only did he win, but he enjoys widespread good faith among people like me who didn't vote for him. I admit I find his message to be as wrongheaded at times as Carter's- but Obama seems like a genuinely good guy.

Especially, when he called Kanye West a jackass.

I'd like him even more if he'd say the same thing about Carter.

And if you disagree with me, then you're probably a racist.
Greg Gutfeld is host of FOX News "Red Eye."

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