Friday, September 11, 2009

It's 9/11. Does anyone remember?

I'm not the most eloquent of individuals, and I recognize that few will read my words from this humble effort.

That a relative few will ever read this does nothing to stop the question from needing to be asked: It's 9/11. Does anyone remember?

This is a deeper question then the surface scratching that many might respond with. "Of COURSE I remember... how could anyone forget?"

How, indeed.

It didn't take the leftists long. Some of the more Ward Churchill types forgot within moments, blaming this country for it's own attack. Others, of the scummier "truther" type, most notably Obama's fellow communist Van Jones, didn't take long to forget.

Democrats around the country began to forget as soon as they figured out ways to make political gains with their lies, exaggerations, and insults to our brave men and women... notably that scum bag Dick Durbin calling us Nazis, or that sick bastard Harry Reid who gutted troop morale by solemnly telling us that the war in Iraq was already lost... and that the fabulously successful "surge" was doomed to failure.

No, it didn't take long at all for a certain segment of our society to forget the bottomless pain this attack caused.

I peruse the TV schedule for today. Few shows dedicated to the pain of that day are scheduled to be aired today. Little is being done to cause reflection, or provide reminders of the horrific enemy facing us.

Why isn't it? Why is the slaughter of thousands of us in minutes so unimportant that we cannot seem to focus on this issue for, say, a single evening, once a year?

We NEED to be reminded. We NEED to see that special, called "9/11," shot on the spot by two French film makers who just happened to be in the area, filming fire fighters when their attack took place.
This film was directed by Jules and Gedeon Naudet, and NY firefighter James Hanlon. The Naudet brothers intended to film a documentary on "probie" firefighter Tony Benetatos. The firehouse Benetatos was assigned to was just blocks from the World Trade Center.On the day of the attacks, the Naudets turned their cameras to the horror unfolding around them. Only they were able to film from within the Trade Center as the second tower was hit, and as it collapsed.
Have you seen it? Have you heard it?

They were inside Tower One, filming the fire-fighter response. Their video of frightened but determined and professional fire fighters stands as a testament... to courage. It shows the last pictures taken of dozens of men and women rushing up narrow stair wells to save hundreds trapped above them... an effort that, ultimately, cost them their lives as well.

The sounds. Oh my God, the sounds. The sounds of the bodies hitting the roof of the portico. The BOOM of someone who had to jump or fry to death where they stood on the 100th... 101st.... on up to the roof of the Towers because they could not come down... and were going to die much more horrific deaths if they stayed.

The sounds after the buildings collapsed.... the incessant "tweeting" sound that never seemed to stop.

I don't remember if they film addressed it, but that sound was the sound of hundreds of devices carried as a part of firefighter gear so the wearer could be found if they didn't move for a certain period of time.

And those bodies were not moving.

So much has happened since that fateful day, 8 unbelievable years ago.

I have a son who has badly wanted to become a Marine for years, now. This afternoon, we're going to go chat with a recruiter. He wants Light Weapons Infantry. This ain't a great time to want that.

As a veteran of 14 years service in the Army, it might sound odd when I say that I do not want him to enlist.

It's not that I fear for him in that regard. I was 17 and a day old when I enlisted during that little tiff in SE Asia... and once my son becomes 18, he will be man enough to make his own decision.

But it has to matter. It has to mean something. And under the current regime that has their grip on this country; under a senate that would sell him out in a minute and a House that views the military as a sick joke, I fear that it will not matter.

And when he comes back... if he comes back... who will be tasked with putting him back together again?

So, here we are. Do you remember, yet? Can you feel the pain, the anger, the fury?

Or is it, as I suspect, a victim of the video-game, reset button mentality infecting us; and a leftist government that hates the military they supported when it came time to send them while they were busy plotting to undermine them every step of the way as our brave men and women did their bidding?

Do you remember?

I do.


Never forget.

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