Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Edit: It isn't often that I comment on a commenter, but this is the exception: "Denise White" is a scumbag.

(EDIT: Typically, when the Columbian screws up (an all-too-frequent occurrence, to be sure) or it makes someone they like look bad, the article has a habit of disappearing off their web site. The article, along with it's contents, has vaporized into thin air. Fortunately, the Internet makes total disappearance next to impossible.

For now, at least, the article in question that resulted in these moronic, ignorant and slimy comments by one "Denise White" is found here: Even if I had linked to it, the link would have been busted by the paper. Unfortunately, the comments replying to this idiot are also gone.)

The County or the Legion screwed up on the Veteran's Relief Fund checkbook. That, however, is a subject for another post.

The subject for THIS post is the comments to that article, located here, concerning the fact that such a fund even exists. The commenter in question is someone calling themselves "Denise White."

Now, we have no way of knowing if this "Denise White" identity is real. For that matter, "Denise White" may be some moron whose real name is Joe Dokes or something.

I really don't give a damn, one way or the other.

Her/his/its comments are based on the screw up where an emergency relief check bounced.

As of this post, these are her/is/its comments:

I don't understand why tax funds are going to pay any private citizen's rent and utilities, veteran or not. This sounds like something that should go away.
I just don't think the purpose of tax funds is to be handed out to pay other people's rent, unless those funds are available to everyone. That is the purpose of a private charity. I am not paying taxes to pay other people's rent.
Thanks Steve, my brain is on. And anyone with half a brain would realize what I was referring to was handouts, not money legitimately earned.
How do you even know the guy is a "legitimate down and out vet"? Sounds like he has quite a sense of entitlement. Wish, of course, is what is wrong with this country.
Wow Tony, you read a lot into this story.
All you really know about this guy is that he was in the Air Force in the early eighties, he can't pay his rent, and he thinks ""I would expect a government agency to cut me a check. There shouldn't be a problem". But, if you want to pay the guy's rent, feel free.
If there were a similar fund set up where the county was paying 25 grand a month to say, assist laid off teachers in paying their rent, I am sure the sentiment here would be markedly different.

I continue to believe it is a misuse of public funds to pay for housing for one segment of the population but not others. I come from a family where nearly all the males for 3 generations have been in the military. I am proud to say none of them see their military service as a reason to expect handouts.
by Denise White : 9/16/09 10:46am - Report Abuse
Wow. I thought I was a bleeding heart liberal, but I guess not. I continue to find it shocking that public funds are going for such a private purpose, but whatever.
"Thanks for volunteering for the military 25 years ago. I have been happy to subsidize, through my taxes, your health benefits, veteran's college loans, and VA loans for buying a house. I didn't benefit from any of that, I just got to pay for it, but what the hey? You served your country and all that. However, I am feeling a little "down and out" myself these days, so I would like to take a pass on paying your rent. But don't worry, Tony's got ya covered."
Vets are eligible for unemployment too, assuming they have been employed. People who aren't vets also become homeless if they can't pay for housing. I just don't think public money should go for paying a private expense of a particular group of people. Firefighters, police, lots of occupations put their "life on the line." Is there a fund set up to pay their rent during hard times? Many people do things that are of great benefit to society. Doesn't mean when hard times come, they get their rent paid. I hear sad stories of people going through incredible stress right now because they can't pay their bills, and they and their kids are about to be on the streets. There isn't a county fund for them. I just can't get my mind around why this particular group is singled out for special treatment, and I certainly had no idea the County was doing this.

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