Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Is there no lie teachers won't tell when they see their pay possibly threatened? "Teachers oppose capping revenue."

We've seen the true colors of teachers in the midst of this horrific recession.

They whine and they snivel, pissed off because THEY might have to sacrifice like the REST of us already have.

As the despicable rag that is our local paper has already begun their anti-I 1033 campaign, we can expect a continuing series of these types of articles as they again try and ram their agenda down our throats.

I don't believe it's gonna work this time, however. This time, we're gonna FORCE teachers to feel OUR pain.

Like the lying bureaucrats the local swindle sheet quoted before, the teachers sniveling in this story ALWAYS leave out the fact that if they, or any other of the government leeches infesting us can come out and JUSTIFY their demand list, we would naturally go along with their program.

Of course, their typically greedy, gimme-my-money demands have to be run through the, even-though-the-value-of-my-property-has-dropped-like-a-rock,-my-taxes-have-still-gone-up filter... like I run my decisions to vote for or against bonds and levies through the filter of the 183 day, part-time work, full time pay schedule teachers have.

Not ONE of the teachers quoted in this stain on journalism's propaganda admitted, or even alluded to, that fact. In fact, the teacher's fall back position is to blame us parents.

Linda Peterson, an art teacher at Chief Umtuch Middle School in Battle Ground, agreed. Budget cuts this year cost teachers their start-up day at the beginning of the school year and their education improvement day.

"Our parents expect us to walk into the classroom and prepare their students for the 21st century," she said. "Students are not getting the attention they deserve because there just isn’t time."

As always, I have a suggestion for our whiny, snively, bitching government workers in EVERY position, from President on down to school janitor... including our prima-donna teachers:

You don't like it?

Then quit.

WE don't like the fact that WE have LOST OUR JOBS.

WE don't like the fact that MONEY does NOT equate to educational success, no matter how much teachers bitch about it.

There are REASONS that we have sustained a 30% or so drop out rate for decades now. And how much of that results from funding?

Weren't the guaranteed pay raises and classroom sizes SUPPOSED to have fixed all of that?

So, to teachers: stop whining, bitching, moaning and complaining. We've already seen what motivates your ilk, as illustrated by teaching scum in Kent, who held an entire district of students, parents and support staff hostage to their greed... all, of course, in the name of the children.

If you teachers band together to oppose this badly needed tax cut, then, perhaps, it's time for us to ban together to vote "no" on all bonds and levies... particularly those that result in more of OUR money in YOUR pockets.

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