Sunday, September 13, 2009

Disturbing news about the County Commissioners: apparently, it really is who you know.

If the Columbian is to be believed (and they by no means HAVE a high believability quotient) there's goin's ons down at the county that are way over the line of corruption.

The article states:
Saying they hope to respark the economy, county commissioners are letting a few well-connected developers push aside costly new environmental rules that others are forced to follow.
Oh, really?

This, if true, is the kind of thing that sickens me about politics and politicians.

In this era of massive budget cuts and reduced revenues, our political leaders must go out of their way to avoid even the appearance of corruption.

For example, the democrat-controlled legislature engaged in obvious corruption when they gave the democrat newsletter called the Columbian and the others of similar ilk a massive cut in their business and occupation tax in the midst of a $10 BILLION budget deficit, guaranteeing the continued "love" of the media... since they bought and paid for it with our money, fair and square.

It's far too easy to be seduced by money. If our commissioners are giving anything approaching "special consideration" to those who financed their campaigns, then that amounts to "pay for play."

It's bad enough that the commissioners have us subsidize the developers by charging outrageous permitting fees
to private landowners for additions and car ports.

But there is absolutely no excuse for this kind of corruption. And that is precisely what this seems to be.

Today's quiz question: what are they going to do about it?

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