Thursday, September 03, 2009

ANOTHER Obama lie? Obama extends tours of 82nd Airborne troops in A-stan

Among other talents, the empty suit running the United States government has been a remarkable liar.

He's lied about many things detailed in this blog; some, truly despicable. I get that politicians will, typically, say absolutely anything to get elected... but this anti-American racist bigot takes the cake.

His latest lie? Well, during the campaign, he bitched like a cut cat about President Bush's extension of troop's combat tours in Iraq. He whined, sniveled and moaned.

Mr. Bush ended the practice of extending tours... and the moron running the show; all of his whining and sniveling notwithstanding; has just, you guessed it, extended the combat tours of our soldiers in the 82nd by an extra 2 months.

His positions were bad enough when he babbled them. But to babble them only to mislead a malleable electorate, while then turning around and doing the opposite of what he's pledged... well, let that be a lesson to the rank and file Obamanism supporter.

In my very first lesson on leadership in my very first leadership academy way back in 73, they taught us a lesson that I remember even now, some 36 years later.

That lesson?

Never, ever, ever, promise something you cannot, or don't, deliver.

How come I, a lowly SP4 recon scout, was able to learn this simple truth, while the simple idiot running the show doesn't seem to get it?

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