Monday, August 03, 2009

The new official Obama poster seems to be upsetting the fringe left nutters.

Yes, this effort does seem to capture the essence of the lying empty suit unfortunately holding the office of the President of the United States.

And it appears to have gone viral... which is a good thing. (H/T to Big Hollywood)

The rank, steaming hypocrisy of the left on this issue is simply astounding. They giggled with glee at the Bush-Hitler, Bush-chimp posters and their variations, cranked out by sick fringe lefters with hatred in their minds.

Now? Well, now the shoe is on the other foot, and the fringe-left slime balls are going nuts, charging everything from hatred to racism for opposing the empty-suited moron's programs.

Well, they can kiss my wide-glide ass.

I don't despise this lying son of a bitch because he's half black; I despise this lying son of a bitch because he's an incompetent lout who has no more idea how to run a country than he does to run the space shuttle.

This is not surprising; the short-sighted rank hypocrisy of the left is, after all, legendary.


  1. Anonymous5:20 AM

    you need jesus! im praying for you and to call the president an empty suit moron is stupid on your part. he has more educational experience than any of the president's that we have had thus far and none of them knew how to run a country until they were president. everyone expects a change overnight and that will not happen with people like you. if everyone can come together like they did the day of september 11 regardless of faith, religion, creed, and color then this world would be much better off!

  2. Unfortunately, we're stuck with a scam artist for president who seems to think he IS Jesus.

    This clown IS an empty-suited moron... and a racist bigot on top of that. Your unsupported position that he is the most educated president in our history is a crock; his complete lack of experience in running anything... ANYTHING... his lack of service to anyone but himself, his disastrous handling of the economy and foreign affairs, his constant need to lie... all of these things have left us with the shadow of a leader when we need the real thing.

    Thanks for stopping by... and please put down the bong before posting in the future.


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