Monday, August 31, 2009

HATERS DENIED! Referendum 71, The "end special rights for gays" initiative, makes the ballot!

Earlier, I talked about the left's and the gay's abhorrence of democracy and fear of the will of the people.

A few hours ago, Referendum 71, a referendum to roll back the special rights granted people merely because of their lifestyle choices by a socially leftist legislature, qualified for the ballot.

Gays and their supporters put all of their faith into working hard to deny the people of this state the RIGHT to determine this issue.

That is much like the local politicians and bureaucrats who insist on keeping the people from having a direct say in the monstrosity that is the I-5 Bridge and Loot Rail waste of billions. It's that same arrogance, that same"our judgement is superior to yours" crap pushed by our local paper.

The fear of the will of the people is palpable among the leftists. They long for a Stalinist model with that empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot and his cult of personality in charge.

Now, we'll stand back and watch the leftists and gays hurl accusations of bigotry, precisely like they hurl accusations of racism against anyone smart enough to object to Obama's socialist policies.

I have no idea how this is going to turn out. But the more gays and their allies hurl these allegations of "Nazi" and "Brown Shirt," the more likely the outcome will be the same for them as it is the scumbag representing the 3rd District in Congress.

And they won't like that at all.

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