Thursday, August 06, 2009

Brian Baird: Coward.

We look for many characteristics in those representing us. Ideally, they have at least some tenets that reflect those of us they work for.

I have frequently disagreed with Brian Baird. I respected his decision to face the fringe left nutters infesting the democrat party when he came back from Iraq. That was not an easy thing to do... but he did it.

Unfortunately, his decision to "phone it in" instead of facing us has destroyed that respect.

Brain Baird is a political coward. And when David Castillo takes him out, this may well be the thing we can point to as BAIRD'S Waterloo.

Baird's cowardice is inexcusable. This isn't "safe ball." Is there any wonder that even after 5 terms, this guy remains a back-bencher, instead of a committee chair who can actually do is some good?

Baird's cowardice includes a failure to oppose the massive criminal enterprise known as the Barnett/Mohegan/Cowlitz/Paskent megacasino; a failure to demand a vote for the massive waste of money known as the I-5 Bridge/loot rail scam; a failure to vote "NO" when he's confronted with bills he hasn't read because of a violation of his self-imposed and frequently bragged about "72 hour rule."

And NOW... he's become yet another leftist scumbag afraid to come back and face his constituents because he "fears an ambush." Comparing those smart enough to oppose your crap to "Nazis" and "Brown Shirts" is the same kind of crap that REAL Nazis, like you and Durbin, engaged in to demonize your opposition.

While I have opposed your positions politically, I have always respected your desire to face us.

But your characterizations of those of us smart enough to oppose the empty-suits socialism is inexcusable and, frankly, makes me sick.

Well, guess what, Brian. I GUARANTEE you an "ambush" in November of next year, you gutless little worm.

Local News
Baird fears foes may plan ‘ambush’
Telephone town hall’ will replace meeting
Thursday, August 6 11:13 a.m.


Over 10 years in Congress, U.S. Rep. Brian Baird has stayed tethered to his district, flying back to Southwest Washington for more than 300 sometimes-bruising town hall meetings during Congressional recesses.

But this year, he's literally decided to phone it in.

U.S.Cowardman Brian Baird, D-Vancouver

Instead of appearing in person, where "extremists" would have "the chance to shout and make YouTube videos," Baird said Wednesday, he's holding what he calls "telephone town halls" instead.

Baird said he's using the new system because he fears his political opponents may be planning "an ambush" to disrupt his meetings, using methods Baird compared to Nazism.

"What we're seeing right now is close to Brown Shirt tactics," Baird, D-Vancouver, said in a phone interview. "I mean that very seriously.

"The coming telephone conference call would be Baird's third this year.His office used its Congressional allowance to buy the necessary software around the start of 2009, a spokesman said.

Secret schedule

Here's how it'll work: if you happen to be sitting near a publicly listed Clark County telephone line on the right day at the right time, your phone will ring.

In order to avoid software problems, Baird's office says, the exact date and time will be kept secret from the public.

If you answer your landline, an automated message will ask whether you have a question for your Congressman.

Press *3, and you'll be asked your location and the subject of your question. Sitting at his own telephone at an as-yet-undisclosed location, Baird then will choose a name based on its location and the topic.


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