Sunday, August 30, 2009

Brian Baird: Coward (XXII) John Laird will need kneepads before this is over.

John Laird, editorial page editor of Clark County's other democrat newsletter, HAS to be the most ignorant person employed (Gee... DO they pay him? And why would they rip themselves off that way?) in the paper business today.

Just last week, he stupidly called, not only for a 3rd political party... but a fourth, as well.

The stupidity of such an observation goes to the fact that there are already at least DOZENS of political parties already. That just goes to show that his limited powers of observation go beyond an inability to see 3 wheeled vehicles on the road.

But in today's revisionist history lesson, Laird addresses the later-day phenomena of the application of the word "Nazi."

Our bumbling leftist idiot writes:
First, August is shaping up as a real good month for the Nazis. I don't know when that bunch ever received more free publicity. Liberals/conservatives have repeatedly expressed vehement indignation at being called Nazis — wondering how any sane person could stoop so low as to invoke this horrifying reference — and then, often in the same breath, they turn right around and accuse conservatives/liberals of being, um, Nazis. Rush Limbaugh says President Obama's plan is like Hitler's, Nancy Pelosi mentions swastikas on the sleeves of town hall attendees, and the accusatory carousel whirls wildly.
Nothing like a little moral relativism to buttress your arguments, eh?

What say you run a google search on " Bush Hitler " (Remove the quotes) and bask in the glory that is 7,000,000 plus hits.

Certainly, scum like you didn't disagree with the Cowardman's contention that those of us smart enough to disagree with him (and most likely you) were, in fact, Nazis and Brown Shirt types.

Because you agree with him, you and your fellow scum have no choice but to defend him as part of your image rehabilitation program, referenced in Brancaccio's spew concerning Hedrick.

Let me remind you, idiot, that no one MADE our Cowardman get stuck on stupid. That was his doing and his alone.

No amount of your insipid efforts to defend this clown can change that... much like no amount of common sense can ever change YOU.

Then, you stupidly go on and act as if "shouting" is a latter day phenomena... when your fellow leftist scum have become legendary in their efforts to, say, shout down speakers on college campuses when they have the temerity to disagree with them.

You moronically write: "My second conclusion is that shouting out of turn is really catching on these days."

You scum have been shouting down those YOU disagree with for YEARS. Where's your whine about THAT?

The double-standard that inculcates you has so blinded you that you weren't even aware that many, many other political parties already exist.

Now, you write as if your fellow fringe-left scum haven't been trampling on our rights to hear others FOR YEARS, all without peep one from you.

But then, as for all on the fringe left... it's "different" when your side does it, right? You remained quiet throughout, KNOWING your side did this... and they did it unchallenged by you, moron.

Good God, but you are despicable.

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