Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Brian Baird: Coward (XIX) The Columbian blasts the GOP, hoping to change the subject.

Would you believe it?

Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee (aka The RNC) sent out a partisan fund-raising letter, apparently entitled "2009 Future of America Health Survey."

The most stunning thing of all? That letter was "blatantly lopsided!"

Kinda like the rag's efforts to rehab Baird's sucky image.

Leftists sent out fund-raising letters that stopped just short of calling for Bush's assassination, blaming him for every ill known to man.

And this despicable waste of pulp writes an article mouthing the words of someone (who, in fact, is no one in particular, certainly no more worthy of having their political views published as if they have some meaning other than the typically anti-GOP bent of this stain on journalism, then, say, a street panhandler on a freeway off ramp.) upset by a highly and deliberately partisan fund raising letter.

But the rank hypocrisy of this article? Right here:

It's standard practice to use such faux "surveys" to raise money for a variety of causes, said Portland pollster Mike Riley. "It's common, trying to stir the pot to see what kinds of issues get attention."

If this is the case (and, of course, it is) then why was this anti-GOP diatribe worth printing?

And why did this SAME despicable waste of pulp use faux "surveys" to shill its completely bogus polls on replacing the I-5 Bridge to get loot rail in here?

And why haven't they published legitimate, scientific polls to find out what WE want when it comes to that?

They have done polls. They just haven't wanted to publish the findings because, well, how would it look to print something proving that the people want nothing to do with this rag's positions?

You can certainly bet that the polling they've done SHOWS that overwhelming opposition, or else these scum would print it every day, front page, above the fold.

Yet this massive pile of crap prints an article like this?

So tell us: why are you trying to change the subject?

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