Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Brian Baird: Coward (X) More of the Columbian's rehab effort for Baird.

Today's blithering idiocy?

Tom Koenninger has weighed in with his efforts. Tom, who no doubt has a "tingling leg" for Baird like that moron (Chris Matthews?) has a tingling leg for Obama, continues to avoid even any pretense of journalistic fairness or, for that matter, reality.

Koenninger and the rest of the upper level types at the local rag are totally in the tank for leftists generally. As I've shown from the last election, this disgrace of a paper ONLY endorsed democrats for EVERY open seat, from president on down.

Since Tom and the rest of the leftist thugs running that rag are completely in the bag for socialism and democrats (which is how they secured their gigantic B&O tax cut in the middle of this horrific recession and this state's $10 BILLION deficit) he predictably will do anything and everything he can to get his boy re-elected.

As I pointed out yesterday:
Baird will continue to lie about his position on this issue (He will vote for it if the Belle of Botox tells him to... and she will) and he will get massive, positive coverage from the despicable rag that is our local newspaper... so they can begin the process of burying Baird's little indiscretion, wherein he referred to me and millions of others as "Nazis" and "Brown Shirts," among other things as he engaged in cowardly, inexcusable conduct in avoiding his constituents in the face of the empty suit's efforts to further his socialist agenda.
Baird's public rehabilitation plan, orchestrated and implemented by that waste of paper known as our local newspaper, has already started. They printed alleged death threats, probably (I mean POSSIBLY) manufactured to help the Cowardman's image, today.
Can we even BEGIN to imagine what this scum rag of a paper would be saying had, say, Tom Mielke said something to offend?

Of course, since those running this disgrace to journalism AGREED with Baird's comments concerning Nazi's and Brown Shirts, they certainly aren't actually OFFENDED by our Cowardman's actions... so naturally, he's gonna engage in some of that leg-humping that makes our local paper famous among leftist aficionados everywhere.

Anyone who believes that a Cowardman voting for a bill he hasn't even read is "... a solid, hard-working and experienced voice in Congress for his district," has a screw loose. Baird's despicable conduct has disqualified him from representing the people of the 3rd District, and that's a message he'll receive loudly and clearly next year.

Dismiss his "exceptional legislative service?"

I spit on it.

His constituent services have been a joke; the man votes for bills he hasn't read; he insults and abuses his constituents... and this clown SUPPORTS him?

What amazing, rank, hypocrisy. And for someone who seems incapable of putting out a column that isn't infested with that particular virus, this one rises to the top.

More here if you have a strong stomach.

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