Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Brian Baird: Coward (VIII) He's finally having a Town Hall Meeting, and his PR firm (The Columbian's) spin action.

Well, Cowardman Baird is finally going to face a crowd. Many of them will be out of district, if not out of state, shills brought in to show bogus support for the Empty Suit's Health Care plan; Baird will continue to lie about his position on this issue (He will vote for it if the Belle of Botox tells him to... and she will) and he will get massive, positive coverage from the despicable rag that is our local newspaper... so they can begin the process of burying Baird's little indiscretion, wherein he referred to me and millions of others as "Nazis" and "Brown Shirts," among other things as he engaged in cowardly, inexcusable conduct in avoiding his constituents in the face of the empty suit's efforts to further his socialist agenda.

Baird's public rehabilitation plan, orchestrated and implemented by that waste of paper known as our local newspaper, has already started. They printed alleged death threats, probably (I mean POSSIBLY) manufactured to help the Cowardman's image, today.

One, allegedly (I'm just cynical enough to consider the probability (I mean POSSIBILITY) that all this sturm und drang is being manufactured out of whole cloth) includes the viral "socialist" image of that waste of space running the country, embellished with a swastika in the middle of his forehead.
Of course, this kind of image could have been manufactured in Baird's own office. After all, anyone capable of calling his own constituents "Nazis" and "Brown Shirts" is capable of anything like this, as sick and twisted as he is.

The rag, no doubt, released this nonsense today to provide cover for their Cowardman's epic stupidity in handling all of this.
So, tonight, we'll see a dog and pony show full of mea-culpas by the Cowardman, as he strives mightily to put his despicable conduct behind him.
Meanwhile, as the wheels come off the Empty Suit's bus, many democrats will begin to peel off this sinking ship as, like the rats they are, the instinct for self-survival overcomes all else.
Politically, it's too late for the coward representing the 3rd Congressional District of Washington. Obama will be a dose of poison that will make Bush look like a piker in comparison, and tying this simpleton to Obama will be easy... and his political death knell. Combined with his utterly loathsome handling of this situation, and even with the Columbian working overtime to rehab his image, it's (thankfully) too late for Baird, and he will be gone in 2010.
I'll be at the Town Hall meeting tonite, it will be the first I've ever attended for Baird. I have to go, because we already know that leftist thugs will be present and accounted for, and all evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

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