Thursday, August 13, 2009

Brian Baird: Coward (VII) Get out of the kitchen

This is coming to you from the Sacred Heart Medical Center Surgical Waiting Area in Spokane as I await the return of my Sister-In-Law from the operating room.

It is of note that our erstwhile cowardman, one Brian Baird, has seen the light (at least seen the flashlight) but not until it hit him upside the head for his cowardice in the face of his deliberate and cowardly decision to avoid facing us... instead, referring to those of us wise enough to oppose the steaming crap pile Obama is attempting to ram through as "Nazis" and "Brown Shirts."

That massive, offensive insult; if to no one else, the millions of us who, unlike Dr. Baird, wore the uniforms of the Armed Forces of the United States (Also unlike the moron running this country, the moron running the House of Representatives and the moron running the Senate) and the millions who've served in this Nation's defence cannot be forgotten. It's as if the mask he wears slipped, ever so briefly, and the REAL Brian Baird peeked out.

I have stayed out of Baird's last 4 elections. But I'm in the next one. I'm in it big time.

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