Sunday, July 26, 2009

When Gov. Gregoire, Pollard and Leavitt lie on the same subject: is it the political trifecta?

Occam's Razor (Variously named Achim's Razor or Achem's Razor) boiled down to it's simplest definition:
The generalization states that, if there are a number of explanations for observed phenomena, the simplest explanation is preferred. Called also scientific parsimony.
I bring this up to respond to our esteemed Governor's position concerning tolls for the organized criminal effort known as the I-5 Bridge replacement/loot rail project.

We are told by the governor that when it comes to tolls, "There is no alternative."

Of course there is an alternative, Governor... a blindingly simple and obvious alternative:

Don't build it.

If we don't build this unneeded and unwanted crap pile, then voile'! No tolls required.

It's amazing, isn't it, how those demanding this steaming pile of detritus aren't the one's who have to pay for it... and how they have no wish to hear from those of us who will?

And that, of course, brings us to the two anointed candidates for mayor, Pollard and Leavitt.

BOTH of these candidates WANT US TO PAY TOLLS.

Let me repeat that:

BOTH of these candidates WANT US TO PAY TOLLS.

When I was in the military, (I'm sure the good former LT. Col Pollard can relate to this) they were very big on what's known as "back-planning." Back planning, simply stated, is the system of planning backwards from the goal you want to achieve.

Every mission has/had critical components required to achieve said mission. The loss or nonavailability of a critical component, particularly when viable replacements are not practical or available, means that the mission must be scrubbed, or, at a minimum, re-evaluated as to scope, breadth, and achievable outcomes.

Make no mistake about it: BOTH Pollard and Leavitt WANT THIS BRIDGE AND LOOT RAIL.

They don't care that we don't. They don't care to ask us if WE want it. And NEITHER of THEM will have to pay the $1300 or more or year required in tolls for everyone commuting... like the vast majority of I-5 Bridge replacement supporters who WILL NOT HAVE TO PAY.

Morons like John Laird throw a fit over a very few bridge lifts, asking moronic, idiotic questions like why we locals would put up with such a horrific condition. But like the rest of the downtown mafia bridge shillers, Laird will NOT HAVE TO PAY TO COMMUTE TO WORK. How EASY it is for the moronic to make demands on those of us who WILL have to pay so they can get their egos stroked at our expense.

Which brings us back to the Razor.

BOTH Pollard and Laird want the I-5 Bridge and Loot Rail.

There is NO WAY this thing can be built WITHOUT TOLLS.


If, as we are led to believe by our erstwhile Governor, this bridge cannot be built WITHOUT tolls; and both of these blights on politics WANT this unneeded, unwanted, steaming pile of the waste of BILLIONS of dollars; and neither one has the testicles to either a.) demand that the entire county be allowed to vote on this moronic heap of dung, or b.) to draw the "toll line in the sand" and demand that the entire project, already wasteful of over $100 MILLION dollars in studies with pre-ordained outcomes be shelved if tolls ARE required, then of course they want tolls.

Because NEITHER of these clowns have stated "if we have to have tolls, then I will do everything I can to kill this project."

Pollard has been a thug about the issue since day one. He's simply forgotten the concept that HE is there to serve US, and not the other war around.

Leavitt has engaged in amateurish political theater since he started, with his most recent political soap opera consisting of the scamming of the hispanic, illegal alien vote.

So, let me be clear: because Leavitt will not oppose this bridge/loot rail project; because he will do absolutely nothing to force this issue to a vote of the people; because this thing cannot be built without tolls that will take tens of thousands of dollars out of the average commuter's pockets over their professional life time, then make no mistake about it:

Tim Leavitt wants us to pay tolls.

As for this "Change" garbage, I urge the voter to remember the utter disaster this "Change" mantra has brought us. Further, I would ask "change from what?"

Hasn't Leavitt voted WITH Pollard 98% of the time? Hasn't he gone along with Pollard's agenda, and that of the rest of the downtown mafia?

And when he denies it, he's lying. And since we've had the biggest political liar of my lifetime elevated to the White House (Endorsed by his acolyte, one Tim Leavitt) I, for one, am sick of liars who intend to indebt us for THEIR egos, getting elected.

Aren't you?

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