Monday, July 20, 2009

Palin Derangement Syndrome has replaced BDS on the left.

I'm not a huge Palin fan. Her candidacy was mishandled by the McCain campaign on so many levels... her messages seem to me to be confused and scattered; she remains silent on those things she should be hammering away on... and fails to take advantage of the opportunities the empty suit is punching out like movie tickets.

That having been said, the left has gone absolutely insane over her. Their hatred of Palin is comical. Their hypocrisy, reeking. No one in her family is immune from their attack. They beat on her like a rented mule in ways that if the right were to utilize would bring howls of protests from the leftist leg-humping media that acts as an extension of the White House press secretary's office.

The moronic, idiotic nature of this issue shows how desperate the left is to hate. It also shows how much of a threat the left views Palin to be.

Years ago, I worked on Linda Smith's Congressional Campaign as a volunteer. The Columbian was doing their usual job of shilling for the leftist, Jolene "The Winds of Hate Have Swept the Land" Unsoeld. I expressed some concerns about that... and Smith look around the room and said something to the effect of "all that matters is that they spell your name right."

Leftists generally can't help their hatred. They preach diversity, but it's limited to color, gender and sexual proclivity. Deviate from the line, and you're subject to savage attacks. (Google "Baird" and "Iraq.")

But what they fail to realize is that the only reason Palin is in the public eye and mind now is entirely due to the leftists that want her to disappear the most.

Every attack... every moronic, imbecilic law suit or ethics complaint... every asinine joke like that simpleton Letterman's attack on her middle school daughter... anything like that KEEPS Palin in the place where the leftists don't want her.

But hatred is a drug, as addictive as crack. And the leftist base grew to depend on getting their hatred fix with GW Bush as president because he (Thankfully) beat a couple of lightweights who would have been almost as ruinous to this country as the paper-thin empty suit running the show now.

Leftists are generally self-trained to hate. And they now NEED someone to hate... someone to replace Bush.


She's a natural. She's everything the left despises. She's a woman who ran on her record... not on her gynecological make up.

And they hate her with a passion. But their hatred may ultimately elevate her to the top.

The empty suit's programs are failing; he's a complete idiot in foreign policy, he's buried under hundreds of billions of dollars in debt... and his polls are finally, inexorably, heading down as he discovers that being half-black and having the media in your pocket will only get you so far for so long.

Presuming he's not impeached or arrested before the end of his term, Obama will not be able to either run away from his abysmal record nor skate on glittering generalities. By 2012, the truth that he is will be out... and he'll have a lot of 'splainin' to do.

This isn't rocket science. To the leftists reading this, by all means... keep beating on this woman.

See what it gets you.


Judgment sought against Palin in 2007 suit

2d 19h ago
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Plaintiffs in a federal lawsuit against Alaska State Gov. Sarah Palin, shown here July 3, want a judge to declare that she broke state law when she failed to issue a proclamation for a 2007 celebration commemorating the freeing of U.S. slaves.
By Robert DeBerry, AP
Plaintiffs in a federal lawsuit against Alaska State Gov. Sarah Palin, shown here July 3, want a judge to declare that she broke state law when she failed to issue a proclamation for a 2007 celebration commemorating the freeing of U.S. slaves.

Plaintiffs also sought a retroactive proclamation for the 2007 Juneteenth celebration from Palin, or — with her July 26 resignation looming — from the governor's office, said Gregory Charles Royal, a Washington, D.C., musician, who filed the suit in March.

"You just can't ignore laws," he said.

The Alaska Legislature had passed a measure directing the governor to issue a proclamation to commemorate Juneteenth, which marks June 19, 1865, when Union soldiers arrived in Texas and announced the end of slavery. Several other states also officially commemorate Juneteenth.

The motion for a default judgment filed Friday claims Palin failed to answer the allegations in the lawsuit by a June 19 deadline, and still has not responded. According to the court document, the governor's Juneau office refused to accept another copy of the complaint Tuesday.


Process server Jack Dayton said a staffer in the governor's office would not accept the documents from him.

"You're the governor, doggone it," Dayton said. "It would be in your best interest to take it."


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