Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Local leftists seem upset that I go out of my way to remind people that Stuart is owned by David Barnett.

Steve Stuart is one of our 3 county commissioners.

He became an elected county commissioner in 2005 when the election, and Stuart's loyalties, were bought by David Barnett at the last minute when he laundered money through Progressive Majority, a fringe leftist group that goes around fronting for corrupt politicians and those who would by them... much like a side of beef. Barnett, former chief shill for the massive megacasino project resulting from his reservation shopping activities, dumped a butt-load of money in at the last second, to buy Stuart.


The purchase price? $100,000... clearly, money well spent.

Barnett tried the same thing in the most recent election, when he got hosed by a consultant and proceeded to get raped for $78,000 or so in the last few days when Pam Brokaw managed to snatch defeat directly out of the jaws of victory by losing an election she had no right to lose.

It's odd that democrats, who are all about allegations of corruption when it comes to the GOP, choose to overlook so many of their own peccadilloes at every level... and this particular version here... confronting us all... right now, today.

I am not going to leave this issue alone. I am sick of corruption at any level, by anyone, and I will constantly remind the democrats precisely and exactly who it is they support so strongly... and, perhaps, envision as a congressman down the road.

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