Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So, Mike Heywood stopped by.

Erstwhile, increasingly perennial candidate Mike Heywood swung by to mention his web site for his campaign:
I've put a lot about my positions on my web site, Given the tone and tenor of your posts, I doubt you will find much there to admire or agree with.
Mike Heywood

(Anonymous) 6/16/2009
He's right about that. But, I do admire the fact that he came here to let me know about his website.

The problem is that now I have to blow more holes in his positions than a wheel of Swiss cheese.

I've written about Mr. Heywood in the past; those so inclined can search this blog by using the "search" function in the upper left corner.

I'm struck by this phrase on his home page:
"I do not, however, take marching orders from The Columbian, and I am not in the pocket of downtown interests."
But a careful review of Mike's positions fail to show where he has any different position from either.

If he's not in their pocket... then how come he sounds precisely like they do?

Does he:

Support the massive and unconscionable waste of an unneeded and unwanted I-5 Bridge replacement that has already wasted tens of millions of dollars in planning?

Support the massive and unconscionable waste of an unneeded and unwanted loot rail system?

Support nailing the people with a massive toll every day as they commute to work?

Oppose giving the people of this county a vote?

Support massive annexations so that Vancouver may achieve the utterly worthless position of the second largest city in the state... as if that mattered?

Support the many tax and fee increases the City has rammed down the people's throats?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.

Now, tell me... how does that differ from either the downtown mafia or the Columbian?

Will he continue the battle against the Barnett Mafia ramming a massive casino down our throats? He seems to have avoided a position on that.

So, what we have is an avowed leftist (Much like he was when he was running the Columbian's editiorial page... and much like John Laird is now) who wants to continue fighting for every item the downtown mafia and the Columbian want, but somehow Mike is not taking his "... marching orders from The Columbian, and I am not in the pocket of downtown interests."

It is for the reader to decide if the exact similarity between the Downtown Mafia/Columbian positions and those of Mr. Heywood are sheer coincidence.

Oddly, I seem to remember a relatively recent election where the empty suit that we elected never missed the opportunity to compare John McCain with George Bush.

Now, Mike should be aware of that. After all, he seems to exhibit a high level of pride for his support of that anti-American, anti-business, incompetent empty-suited racist bigot to the presidency. It's absolutely no reason to vote for Mike, of course, but he is apparently unaware of that.

That said, how come ol' Mike rabidly supported a candidate who never hesitated to compatre McCain with Bush; while we cannot compare Mike with the downtown interests who own him? Odd, that.

In the end, Mike is wrong in his positions, including the position that would cost every commuter over the criminally stupid I-5 Bridge/Loot Rail debacle over $1200 a year; a fee that, like 99% of the resty of the Bridge Humpers, HE will not have to pay.

And that just goes to illustrate how easy it is for Mr. Heywood to advocate the spending of other people's money, precisely the attitude we DON'T need in this or any other economy.

Mike is endorsed by every living democrat and union, particularly the union scum that will benefit from the massive waste of building an unneeded replacement bridge with loot rail.

Big whoop.

He offers no reason, compelling or otherwise, to get rid of Jeannie Stewart. So, if voting in yet another fringe leftist member of the Amen choir, determined to do the bidding of the Downtown Mafia and the newspaper is what you think needs to happen, then by all means, vote for Mike.

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