Monday, May 11, 2009

Sorry, Sir, but I DO "blame you" for our horrific deficit.

Look, I appreciate having a staff of leg-humpers as much as the next guy. But Orszag really isn't doing the president any favors by trying to tell us this massive deficits HE has run up isn't HIS fault.

See, those of us paying attention know the dirty little secret that Mr. Obama's scum are unwilling to say: If (as if it were ever possible) the deficit had, somehow, miraculously shrank, that moron Orszag would have come out and told us all that it was a direct result of Mr. Obama's efforts.

OK. I can accept that. Except for one thing: If GOOD economic news is his doing...

... then so is the bad.

Mr. Obama was warned by the Congressional Budget Office NOT to dig us deeper in debt with your bogus stimulus. He was told that to do that would, in fact, SLOW our recovery.

He's lied to us about the economy. He BLASTED Bush for his "irresponsible handling of the economy," because of his "massive" budget deficits, deficits that look like fender benders compared to your 32 car freeway wreck.

As is so often the case, he didn't listen and he saw the opportunity to pay back his union massa's while he shoveled layer after layer of debt on to the heads of our children's children's children.

So, now, the natural result of his inept incompetence is coming out.

And his moronic budget director tells US not to blame HIM?

Fat chance, dooder. This is HIS economy. ALL of it. If it WORKS, he'll be WAYYYYYY out front, taking all of the credit. Good or bad, it's ALL on him.

When it falls on it's face, as it will inevitably do, he's gonna get all the credit for that as well.

Well done, Mr. President. You're screwing us up more and more every day.

Thanks for nothing.

Felix Salmon
Felix Salmon

Unleashed on Reuters
Blogging the financial meltdown

See all posts

Mon May 11, 2009 9:39am EDT

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WASHINGTON, May 11 (Reuters) - High U.S. budget deficits are being driven by an economic crisis that President Barack Obama inherited, White House Budget Director Peter Orszag said on Monday.

Orszag, writing in a blog posting, also said that the administration's latest budget deficit estimates -- which were revised upward by $89 billion and $87 billion for this year and next, respectively -- reflect the latest data on tax receipts, federal bailouts and other government costs.

(Reporting by Caren Bohan and Richard Cowan)

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