Wednesday, May 27, 2009

So... will the draft have to restart under Obama?

Back in the day, a congressional moron by the name of Rangel dropped legislation to restart the draft.
"Every day that the military option is on the table, as declared by the President in his State of the Union address, in Iran, North Korea, and Syria, reinstatement of the military draft is an option that must also be considered, whether we like it or not," Congressman Rangel said. "If the military is already having trouble getting the recruits they need, what can we do to fill the ranks if the war spreads from Iraq to other countries? We may have no other choice but a draft."
Talk about the irony.

Rangel, best known for his efforts to scam the taxman, was, of course, trying to stick it to President Bush. His efforts was as scummy as leftist efforts to kill Americans by undercutting the Surge.

All of that aside, the empty suited genius running this country has been such an incompetent idiot that our enemies have become increasingly emboldened by his rampant, unending stupidity, and look what we've got to show for it.

Well, yesterday, the NorKs renounced the Armistice that's been in place since 1953.

That means that we are now in a state of war with North Korea.

What to do.... what to do?

We don't have the military assets we need to continue on in Afghanistan while holding down the fort in the vicinity of Iran and simultaneously defending South Korea from that Northern nutjob.

As the rest of the bad guys around the world chat and compare notes, we're undergoing something of a Gulliver attack by the Lilliputians. Our esteemed, Empty-Suited Leader, building his Hearts and Flowers foreign policy, doesn't seem to notice that the hounds nipping at our heals are getting increasingly closer... with much larger bites.

Yes... I pine for the days of a Ronald Reagan... the days where, in the beginning, at least, the world knew exactly who were were, and precisely what they could expect if they screwed with us.

Now, the Moron-in-Chief would have our artillery pieces line up the length of the Korean DMZ and fire UN Resolutions at the massing NorK troops... because "pre-emptive strike" isn't in the American lexicon. Obviously, the NorK's are terrified of Obama and what he might do.

I mean... they are, aren't they? Isn't that why they waited a whole 14 hours to pop that nuke after the Empty Suit told them to behave?

So now, we're in a state of war. Or something. If I'm the US Commander in Korea or SEATO, I'm begging, borrowing or stealing everything I can lay my hands on.

But it's still not enough.

As Obama's miserable foreign policy falls apart because we're the only ones playing by, or concerned with, "the rules," I'm looking around and wondering: where's the wherewithal to fight?

NOW is the time to restart the draft. Now, before it's too late.

We will not have the luxury of time that history has been kind enough to provide us since our inception.

Distance is no longer the barrier it once was. Mutually assured destruction holds no attraction as a serious deterrent to the nut jobs surrounding us now.

So... do we continue to sit on our hands until it's too late?

Or do we start to prepare for the inevitable?

Yes, Americans are going to die because of that short-sighted amateur and his leftist supporters. The only real questions now are "how many" and "where?"

Preparedness now will blunt the losses that our decision to elect Obama will cause. It will give us a chance to survive the upcoming debacle of Obama's incompetence.

Will anyone bother to tell the messiah? Will he listen? Or, now that the teleprompter has blown down... or are we TRULY on our own?

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