Thursday, May 14, 2009

Madame Speaker, as a rule, when you're in a hole, it's best to stop digging.

Madame Speaker, I've noticed that you have taken to engaging in that trite democrat practice, of, well, lying a lot.

Since you began to take power, most of the things you've said have been a lie.

You lied about enforcing a 5 day work week; you lied about getting us out of Iraq, you lied about pork in the stimulus and the budget... and now... you're lying about waterboarding.

Thousands of people have come here to read about Pelosi's lies and look at the video where she lies on camera.

Well, here's another video lie:

Now, as her "what did she know and when did she know it" lies are falling apart, all of a sudden, she's blaming the CIA.... for lying to her?

Gee. That's believeable.
"They mislead us all the time," she said. And when a reporter asked whether the
agency had lied, Pelosi said yes."

Yet... what did she do with her knowledge of this so-called "torture?"


She has a long-established pattern of lying when the mood strikes.

And it's pretty clear that the mood has struck.

Stop digging, Mademe Speaker. You're burying all of us. And when your level of liability becomes such that you get replaced, you'll have done women everywhere a disservice by not only being the first female speaker... but the first speaker to lose the job because of incompetence.

Unforced errors suck in tennis. They REALLY suck in Congress.

The Washington Times

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CURL: The Speaker misspeaks

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, her eyes wide, her hands gesticulating wildly, on Thursday laid out a third version of what she knew and when she knew it on the Bush administration's interrogation policies, edging ever closer to debating what the meaning of the word "is" is.

With her own second-in-command now demanding more answers, the California Democrat, her voice barely audible at times, read a rambling statement at her weekly press briefing about her prior knowledge of the "enhanced interrogation techniques" (EITs) employed by under President Bush, asserting that she was not told in a September 2002 briefing that the U.S. government used waterboarding.

Minutes later, though, she acknowledged for the first time that her top security adviser was part of a February 2003 briefing in which he learned that American interrogators were in fact waterboarding suspected terrorists.

"My statement is clear, and let me read it again. Let me read it again. I'm sorry. I have to find the page," said a flustered Mrs. Pelosi, shuffling through papers, her hands quivering a bit, as she sought to stick to her prepared text.

"When — when — when my staff person — I'm sorry, the page is out of order — five months later, my staff person told me that there had been a briefing — informing that there had been a briefing and that a letter had been sent. I was not briefed on what was in that briefing; I was just informed that the briefing had taken place," she said.

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The speaker's weekly press conference in her ceremonial office drew a standing-room-only crowd of reporters tracking the steady drip, drip, drip of revelations that have streamed out over the past several weeks. Clad in a key-lime green pantsuit and smiling broadly, Mr. Pelosi charged that the CIA lied to Congress and that House Republicans are using "a diversionary tactic" to deflect criticism from Mr. Bush.

Aside from not being briefed on what was in that briefing, she said she was very busy at the time — "I was fighting the war in Iraq at that point, too, you know" — and battling a Bush administration that was "misleading the American people about the threat of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq."

Repeatedly clearing her throat, she explained that she was briefed by the CIA in 2002, while on the House Intelligence Committee. Agency records indicate the Sept. 4 briefing included "a description of the particular EITs that had been employed" on al Qaeda detainee Abu Zubaydah, then the only suspected terrorist in U.S. custody. The previous month, he had been waterboarded 82 times.


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