Friday, May 22, 2009

Is there some reason we should care WHO won American Idol?

I'm reminded of the brilliant comedienne, Gilda Radner (Tragically dead at 42 of ovarian cancer) who was famous for, among other things, portraying a character named Emily Latella on Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update.

One of those bits included a phrase: "What's all this about Endangered Feces?" (As opposed to endangered species.)

I haven't watched American Idol for a while now. I was (and am) taken by a great talent that Simon discovered on "Britain's Got Talent," one Paul Potts. Mr. Potts was a terrible character of a man who, apparently, showed up out of a clear blue sky to, as he put it, "sing opera."

As this youtube shows (The show forbids embedding) it's a rather heart-warming story. The only problem is that I believe it to be a complete tank job.

This guy goes out there, has a recording turned on, music plays, and he sings.

The music was professionally done by an orchestra, and, to my untrained ear, it sounds EXACTLY like the SAME music Potts used on his rapidly-released, post victory CD... with, of course, Simon Cowell owning this guy, to including making the movie about him.

Paul, 37, from Port Talbot in South Wales, went on to sign a £1 million deal with Simon's record label after winning the show. His debut album, One Chance, has sold three million copies so far and this year he is headlining 65 concerts in 13 countries.
After? Clearly, Cowell knew Potts or knew of Potts, before his performance.

The same can be said of Paul Potts, Ver. 2.0, one Susan Boyle. Too perfect. Too heart-tugging... and too owned by Cowell... though I freely admit that AI started this year before the Boyle performance.

The problem I have is that this whole thing smacks of a setup... the rough equivalent of a months-long infomercial, used to pre-market Cowell's latest project... and this is no different.

To that end, I decided that, like the Survivor shows... if these are tank jobs... why watch? So, I haven't bothered this year, nor will I likely do so in the future.

Which brings me to the outcome of this year's effort: Because one remaining contestant was a character of what seemed to be a gay man, and the other seemed to be a character of a Christian man, leftist blogs have lit up like a Christmas tree about how the outcome was a Christian Conspiracy.

I can't help but believe two things: first, that as a voice of the great unwashed center, I could care less.

Second, the idea that Christians would vote for one guy based on his faith while leftists wouldn't vote for the other based on his alleged sexuality is absurd.

In short, the conspiracies amount to a wash. For the left wing whackos attacking those they disagree with, this is just another day and another issue to strike out against those wise enough to disagree with their nonsense.

"Can't we all just get along?" Can't we all figure out that if the gay character has superior talent, he'll make a fortune singing whether he's the number one or number two of AI? Can't we all figure out that winning this thing guarantees nothing, and that, in the end, time will tell?

Some who've won have gone on to success. Others? I can't remember their names. I, personally, for example, believe the best music has come from Chris Daughtry, and he was a 4th place finisher if memory serves.

So, for all you leftist conspiracy theorists, please get over it... and get over yourselves.

Babble on if you will, but we really don't care. Really.

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