Monday, May 18, 2009

Governor: restore the State Auditor's Funding.

Neat, isn't it?

The leftists running the Leg always seem to be able to find a way to scrounge up cash for crap like this:

$750,000 for Ward Lake purchase for Olympia parks...

$1.115 million for the Vashon Arts Center...

$325,000 for the Federal Way Performing Arts Center...

$950,000 for a "Zina Linnik Park"...

So, not only do they ignore the expressed will of the people via the initiative process, they hamstring the Auditor, Brian Sonntag, from implementing I-900 as the PEOPLE of this state demanded.

Is there some PARTICULAR reason the leftists don't want Brian lifting their rocks to see what crawls out underneath?

Ron Hebron over at Sound Politics nails it:

May 18, 2009

State Auditor Sonntag plays hardball over "dumb" cut to performance audits

In their desperation to save money the Legislature made a cut that will result in more spending, not less. State Auditor Brian Sonntag has made some real hits (baseball analogy) with his performance audits. He is hurting our elected officials' ability to protect their favorite programs and hire each other's kids. He is using objective measures and informed judgment. They just had to do something!

Seattle Times Newspaper:

State Auditor Brian Sonntag is a serious baseball fan. He's a regular at Mariners games and has a rack stuffed with 20 wooden bats in his office. An inscribed ceramic ball on his desk reads: "Sometimes you just have to play hardball."

Hardball is what the 57-year-old Democrat seems to have in mind when it comes to fighting the Legislature's $29 million cut to his performance-audit program, which seeks to find efficiencies in state and local governments.

He's asked Gov. Chris Gregoire to restore at least some of the money, saying the cut "decimates" a program that's found millions in potential savings. Gregoire is expected to decide by Tuesday.

Sonntag has publicly described the money grab as a "sucker punch" and has thrown around words like "stupid," "dumb," "ridiculous" and "unacceptable" when talking about the plan. That's not how politicians typically describe the work of other elected officials, especially members of their party who control the purse strings.

Senate Ways and Means Chairwoman Margarita Prentice, D-Renton, said Sonntag is blowing the impact of the cut out of proportion. Her advice to him: "Cool it."

... Sonntag's office said it's working on a report that will show how much money the audits have saved.

It's not available yet, but the office points to an audit of the state Department of Labor and Industries as an example. The audit recommended ways to improve the agency's collection of benefit overpayments. As a result, the department had a 50 percent increase in collections, worth $4.6 million in 2007, according to the auditor's office and Labor and Industries.

Overall, Sonntag's office has received high marks for several performance audits, including a 2007 review of the Port of Seattle that said its contracting practices were lax and ripe for fraud and abuse. The audit prompted a federal investigation and a Port-funded probe that identified 10 cases of fraud.

A series of audits of the state Department of Transportation, however, received mixed reviews.

...If you agree with distinguished Senator Prentice then sit on your hands. If you agree with Sonntag then call Chris Gregoire.

See also Save Perfornance Audits - Evergreen Freedom Foundation - Olympian "Give the money back to audit program"

At one of those sources I saw the email addresses of Chris Gregoire's senior staff members in a comment; don't recall which.

Posted by Ron Hebron at May 18, 2009 07:17 AM Email This


In a war of money, keeping your top defense organization from getting the right kind and number of bullets makes absolutely zero sense.


Restore the damned money. Knock of this kind crap before the people REALLY get steamed.

Or don't. And we'll see you in November next year.

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