Monday, May 25, 2009

The debacle of the Obama Fairy-Tale Foreign Policy

So, what have been the developments since the ascension of the empty suit?

North Korea pops a nuke and fires missiles.

Iran fires missiles and deploys their Navy (such as it is) while continuing to threaten the existence of Israel.

Israel notes his eagerness to sell them out and rightfully tells him to get stuffed.

Russia seems to be ignoring him altogether.

Afghanistan has all of the same problems it had when he were elected 7 months ago, and then some.

Europe was impressed by his shtick, but when it really counted, how much help did they provide for Afghanistan?

Pirates are becoming more emboldened by his incompetence and indecisiveness.

Yes, the security of the world is now in the hands of a buffoonish clown. Give me President Bush every day and twice on Sunday.

(Thanks to the boat-riding leftist for the title correction.)

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