Friday, January 09, 2009

Yet another democrat heard from: Baltimore mayor indicted for theft, perjury, misconduct, fraudulent misappropriation....

Earlier, Lew Waters at Clark County Conservative gave us a heads up: is 2009 the year for democrat scandals?

We know about Blago, Richardson, Jefferson, former West Palm Beach Congressman Tim Mahoney (Philandering moral congressman from Florida; Mark Foley's replacement... and how fast did THAT fall off the radar screen?) Kilpatrick (Detroit mayor) et al. But now, we can add the distinguished mayor of Baltimore (Democrat Sheila Dixon) to the "common crook" list.

The list of outrages is contained in the article. The point is the utter silence of the MSM outside of Balitimore... the rank hypocrisy of the left... the fact that democrats are no better based on their party affiliation then anyone else... and arguably, may be worse.

I've been concerned about the MSM diving in the tank for the left generally, and Mr. Obama particularly. If I hadn't checked out Drudge, I would never have known about yet another politician falling because of their own greed and avarice. And that frightens me.

Not this particular instance, but the symptomatology of the whole and the double-standard of condemnation that is so muted for leftist perpetrators and so wildly blasted out to the universe when someone on the right has committed a crime. Thus, letting the democrats in charge of our economy off the hook for the damage they allowed, while blaming Bush for everything... instead of holding everyone accountable, regardless of party, apparently an impossible concept to grasp.

My concern is that The One will get a pass, no matter WHAT he does. We will NOT, for example, successfully spend ourselves out of this financial mess. Oddly, few point out that what Mr. Obama called "the most irresponsible President in history's" deficit will pale in comparison to that which The One is endeavoring to heap on the next 10 or 15 generations that will have to pay for his bizarre plan.

No, for Mr. Obama, the staggeringly huge deficits that HE advocates are "different, " somehow.

But then, for the left... it's ALWAYS "different." And that is, I believe, part of why we're where we are today.

Counts of perjury, theft, misconduct in office among 12-count indictment

4:17 PM EST, January 9, 2009

Baltimore Mayor Sheila A. Dixon was charged today by the state prosecutor in a 12-count indictment, becoming the city's first sitting mayor indicted on criminal offenses.

Dixon was charged with four counts of perjury and two counts of theft over $500, as well as theft under $500, fraudulent misappropriation by a fiduciary and misconduct in office. The charges stem in part from gifts she received from former boyfriend and developer Ronald H. Lipscomb, who was also charged earlier this week.

Dixon, a Democrat, has been the target of a nearly three-year probe by State Prosecutor Robert A. Rohrbaugh into corruption at City Hall, an investigation that has centered on allegations that Dixon has used her office to award lucrative contracts to various people including her sister, her then-boyfriend and her former campaign chairman.

In a statement released by her office this afternoon, Dixon said: "I am being unfairly accused. Time will prove that I have done nothing wrong, and I am confident that I will be found innocent of these charges. ... I want to make it clear, though, that I will continue to put all of my energies into running the City of Baltimore during these perilous economic times."



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