Sunday, January 04, 2009

The World has taken notice: The One's silence is deafening.

As I may have mentioned here, The New Messiah's silence on that little tiff in the Middle East is blowing it.

As I've written, Mr. Obama has set the bar of expectations so high that all trouble, including wars, famine, pestilence and disease are supposed to end at about 12:02 p.m. on January 20, next.

Unfortunately, Mr. Obama has declined to let us share in the benefit of his wisdom. He steadfastly hides behind the "there's only one President at a time" shtick... and the situation in Gaza continues to spiral out of control, if you're a terrorist supporter; or well in hand but violent if you support the continued existence of Israel... as few terrorist supporters are wont to do.

Well, the world is mystified. They rabidly supported this empty suit; a man wholly unqualified to run an elevator, let alone this Nation. They expect a lot more, a lot faster, then he is willing to deliver.

Face it: so far, Mr. Obama's handling of the political landscape has been abysmal. Everything from his complete fumbling of the Blagoball to the Richardson debacle shows him to be utterly bereft of a political clue.

And now, the world wonders. The world that saw him as the Way, the Truth and the Light is beginning to wonder. And my fear is that Mr. Obama has no answer for this... or for anything else important to the world today.

H/T to Drudge.

Obama is losing a battle he doesn't know he's in
The president-elect's silence on the Gaza crisis is undermining his reputation in the Middle East
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Simon Tisdall, Sunday 4 January 2009 15.55 GMT
Article history

Barack Obama's chances of making a fresh start in US relations with the Muslim world, and the Middle East in particular, appear to diminish with each new wave of Israeli attacks on Palestinian targets in Gaza. That seems hardly fair, given the president-elect does not take office until January 20. But foreign wars don't wait for Washington inaugurations.

Obama has remained wholly silent during the Gaza crisis. His aides say he is following established protocol that the US has only one president at a time. Hillary Clinton, his designated secretary of state, and Joe Biden, the vice-president-elect and foreign policy expert, have also been uncharacteristically taciturn on the subject.

But evidence is mounting that Obama is already losing ground among key Arab and Muslim audiences that cannot understand why, given his promise of change, he has not spoken out. Arab commentators and editorialists say there is growing disappointment at Obama's detachment - and that his failure to distance himself from George Bush's strongly pro-Israeli stance is encouraging the belief that he either shares Bush's bias or simply does not care.


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