Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Well, the "Banned for life" thing certainly blew up in a hurry: Coulter back on NBC.

As I mentioned here: Anne Coulter, Conservative Diva Extraordinaire, was booted from the NBC line up based, apparently, on the content of her latest book: GUILTY

As you probably know, NBC did everything humanly possible to insure the election of The One, in violation of every imaginable journalistic tenant. Drudge reported that NBC had booted her off the Today show at the last minute due to a lack of interest "in anyone so highly critical of President-elect Obama, right now."

Back in November, a few days after the election, I wrote what one of my clients referred to as a "Rant." It's excerpted here in part to address the post-election mission of the MSM to keep Obama in office and all of his programs/actions intact.

The very real and negative impacts to this country will, ultimately, have to be experienced to be believed.

The primary problem is this: will they be believed, even when they happen; or will a mass media, having set itself up as Obama’s PR arm, continue to violate the public trust by acting to spin, to mitigate, to censor their own information to re-enforce him has “The One?”

The mainstream media colluded to achieve Obama’s election. By any statistical or other summary, any pretense of fairness or objectivity was never present when they reported. Issues that would have destroyed any other candidacy were ignored, belittled, censored or swept under the rug. As a result, this country has elected a man to the most powerful office on the planet when he otherwise would be disqualified from holding high security clearances because of his relationship with at least one known terrorist.

The mainstream media has a vested outcome in Obama’s success. Were he to fail or be anything but an outstanding, at-least-as-good-as-Lincoln president, then the mainstream media’s undeniable culpability in his elevation would be too obvious to be denied. In short, Obama is a creation of the MSM, lacking any other substance, and the people of this country have bought into his packaging… packaging accomplished by a less than fair media. Essentially, they own him. And since they own him, his continued popularity is their number one concern.

None other than Chris Matthews rammed the above observation home:

Journalist Chris Matthews Will Do Everything in His Power to Make Obama's Presidency Successful

Were you still debating whether Chris Matthews is in the tank for Barack Obama? Then find a new hobby, because the writing's on the stall. But then Matthews went overboard this morning, on colleague Joe Scarborough's Morning Joe, and pretty much nominated himself the new president's press secretary.

"The worst thing you can do in journalism is try to figure out motive. There's no way to determine it," Matthews said. Not only is this statement patently false — figuring out motive is pretty important, like George Bush's motives for invading Iraq — but Matthews followed it up with this: "I want to do everything I can to make this thing work … this new presidency work." Yes, that is Matthews the journalist speaking.

CM: I want to do everything I can to make this thing work … this new presidency work.

JS: Is that your job?

CM: Yeah that's my job.

JS: Your job as a journalist is to make this presidency work?

CM: To make this work successfully, because this country needs a successful presidency more than anything right now.


CM: How can you not route for the success of the new president? (Gee, is that what you were doing for President Bush? "Rooting for his success?")

JS: As Americans, Chris Matthews, we're all rooting for the success of Barack Obama … But you just talked about being a journalist and your job as a journalist is not to question motives, and then two seconds later you said your job is to make this presidency a success … I just think that's curious.

From my perspective, this means that Matthews has a vested interest in positive outcome for Mr. Obama. In addition, that means he’s going to tank his coverage to something much less than journalism… and more like advocacy. This is the final, telling blow for journalism in this country.

And so it goes.
January 06, 2009
Categories: Networks

Coulter booked for 'Today' show

Conservative author Ann Coulter will appear on Wednesday’s “Today” show, according to an NBC spokesperson. Coulter has been talking up being bumped by NBC for the past two days, both on other networks and the radio. A controversy erupted when Drudge splashed that she’d been “banned for life,” leading NBC to deny that she was banned, and later offering her a new segment.


Looks like I'll be able to watch "Life" after all.

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