Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sanity reigns: Breaking news - Bradwood Landing LNG approval reaffirmed by feds

I've been following this for awhile... it's hard not to when the Pravda Columbian and our own Congressman, Brian Baird, snivel so loudly about this project (And where is the good Congressman on the megacasino? He sure hasn't expressed any outrage about THAT) that one can't get past the noise.

The only question is this: does this plant follow the law?

If it does, all the whining and sniveling from the people who view laws they disagree with as mere suggestions will make no difference. If it doesn't, then this approval will be equally meaningless.

The fact is this: none of the idiots opposing this plant offer any meaningful alternative.


They are, instead, possessed of political opportunism and the "easy environmental vote." How simple is it for the Columbian to spew against this project... Few, if any, of the people that will build or operate this plant live here... so why not backhand them?

That follows the Columbian's pattern on their moronic support of silencing the people and their criminal indifference to our voice on the unneeded and unwanted I-5 Bridge replacement with its equally moronic, unneeded and unwanted loot rail component.

The rabid Bridgers of the Columbian will rarely have to pay the toll they're so hot to impose on 60,000 commuters every day for a massive and unneeded waste of money. It's easy for this rag to work to impose their views on the pocketbooks of others... just like they are when they whine and moan about this plant... 60 miles away.

Congressman Baird? Why, he's blowing a gasket about a plant... that isn't even in his district. And how easy for him is that?

Yet, he remains silent on the economic and social menace of the Barnett/Mohegan/Paskentna megacasino.

What guts. What courage.

So, we have a project where many thousands will benefit from the direct costs and revenue, jobs and production of this plant that will serve to increase our ability to distribute energy in a more efficient and cheaper manner.

And these clowns oppose it?

Please. Unless they can come up with viable alternatives that will have the same impact and same benefits, they should STFU and let the system have it's way.

Home > Breaking News

Bradwood Landing LNG approval reaffirmed by feds
Thursday, January 15, 2009 2:22 PM PST
By Tony Lystra

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Thursday upheld its decision to approve construction of the Bradwood Landing liquefied natural gas terminal and denied appeals from state agencies and environmental groups opposing the project.

Two of the groups said they would sue the agency in federal court.

Environmental group Columbia Riverkeeper, the state of Oregon, the state of Washington and the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission had all asked FERC to reconsider its Sept. 18 decision to license the terminal. They argued environmental and safety concerns posed had not been adequately addressed. State officials said they should have been allowed to consider clean water, clean air and Coastal Zone permits for the project before federal regulators issued their decision.

On Thursday, FERC dismissed those claims, saying the project had been adequately reviewed and that its decision “does not impact any substantive determinations that need to be made by the states.”


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